The Benefits of Fasting with Prayer in terms of Health and the Christian Religion

The Benefits of Fasting with Prayer in terms of Health and the Christian Religion

Do you know that fasting with prayer brings various benefits to those who practice it? Yep, fasting with prayer brings a lot of benefits. Practicing faith and improving spiritually, are some of the main reasons someone does fasting with prayer. Also it is true, fasting is an activity that brings various health benefits.

As is known from the Holy Bible, fasting with prayer also makes you grow spiritually, makes you hear God’s voice and increases your personal revelation of God and his word better.

Almost every Christian I’ve talked to has had questions or some misconception about fasting. I believe we could say that fasting is one of the most misunderstood subjects in Holy Bible. You will realize this as you begin to discover and enjoy the incredible benefits we gain from fasting with prayer in terms of Health and in light of God’s Word.


The Benefits of Fasting with Prayer in a Christian Perspective

“Is this not the fast I have chosen?

That you loose the bonds of wickedness, that you undo the bonds of the yoke?

And that you set the brokenhearted free, and break every yoke?

Is it not also that you share your bread with the hungry, and bring the exiled poor home?

And when you see the naked, do you cover him, and do not hide yourself from your flesh?

Then shall thy light break forth like the dawn, and thy healing shall spring forth speedily, and thy righteousness shall go before thy face, and the glory of the Lord shall be thy rear guard.’ Then shalt thou call, and the LORD shall answer:

Thou shalt cry, and he shall say, Here I am: if thou take away the yoke, the putting forth of the finger, and speaking vanity from among thee.

And if you open your soul to the hungry, and satisfy the afflicted soul: then your light will rise in darkness, and your darkness will be like the noonday. And the Lord will guide you continually, and satisfy your soul in dry places, and strengthen your bones; and you will be like a watered garden, and like a spring, whose waters never fail.

And those who proceed from you will build the formerly desolate places; and thou shalt raise up the foundations from generation to generation: and they shall call thee repairer of the breaches. (Is 58:6-12)

Isaiah 58 is one of the best chapters in the Bible on this subject. I could meditate on this chapter for hours; he is wonderful.

Wait! Have you ever thought “What are the Benefits of Fasting with Prayer? Then the answer is here;

There are at least 12 specific benefits of “the fast that God has chosen” listed in this passage:

  • Revelation
  • Healing and Wholeness
  • Righteousness
  • The Shekinah Presence of God
  • Answered Prayers
  • Guidance from the Lord
  • Contentment
  • Refreshment
  • Strength
  • Encouragement
  • Future Generations Will Be Raised
  • Restoration

How Does Fasting With Prayer Actually Work?

I don’t know all the answers because this is undoubtedly one of God’s greatest “mysteries”, but I believe I can share what I have learned from the Lord. Of one thing we can be sure: the demons are very uncomfortable when we start praying and fasting.

The Holy Scriptures reveal to us that many diseases, illnesses, mental problems and chronic behaviors that afflict Humanity are instigated or perpetuated by demonic forces.

These forces also seek to hamper God’s people by bringing storms, seeking to keep them apart from the life of God.

I always recommend people who are seeking divine healing to fast before coming to our healing and deliverance services. Those who have heeded this counsel often receive the Lord’s supernatural healing quickly.

I also often tell people that observing the fast is important because it demonstrates a brother’s or sister’s determination to be touched by the Lord (the One who is the source of all power).

Demons cannot stay around for long when a person fasts. This is due to the fact that fasting before the Lord creates a completely different atmosphere, thus allowing for an easier “flow” of the Holy Spirit of God and the repelling of evil forces and spirits.

It is for this reason that demons are bothered or uncomfortable around people who have the practice of fasting in their lives.

Any pastor or minister who is engaged in some kind of healing and deliverance ministry should make the practice of fasting an integral part of their lifestyle.

Now, brethren, spiritual development can be compared to an athlete seeking to exercise his muscles in a gym.

As you fast and seek the Lord’s face, He will begin to implant authority in you. This will lead you into a deep intimacy with Him and no doubt the demons will recognize and fear.

The Word of God tells us very clearly that certain obstacles will not be cast out with a simple command in the name of Jesus they will not leave except through prayer and fasting.

My friend, this is what the Lord is commanding us to do. Are you ready to pay the price to set the captives free?

Is it your desire to release words of deliverance in your church, neighborhood or city?

We cannot be satisfied with what we have achieved in the Lord. There are terrible yokes enslaving precious lives in our cities.

My desire is to see the Church of Jesus Christ rise up with power and authority.

I’m fed up with them hurting each other due to “differing views” while there are so many needs around us that need to be prioritized.

Our call is to bring freedom to the captives and the Lord has already given us all the necessary weapons to, in his name, throw down any and all strongholds.

All those who are looking for deliverance from sin or some kind of physical weakness must persevere before the Lord.

If, for example, a father wants to see his son cured of some disease or freed from some evil oppression, he will need to persevere in what he seeks from the Lord.

If, in fact, he humbles himself and perseveres before the Lord and fasts for himself and his son, the path of healing or deliverance becomes easier to experience or minister.

Why Do We Fast With Prayer?

Below I have compiled a list of nine biblical reasons to fast. It is good to remember that this list does not necessarily parallel the list of 12 benefits of fasting listed in Isaiah 58.

Many of these points will fit into areas of our life with Christ in addition to this will answer most of the questions I have been asked about for the past two decades.

Read to learn why Fasting with Prayer

1. We Fast In Obedience To The Word Of God.

The practice of fasting with prayer is closely related to the Word of God. If we read the Scriptures carefully, we will see that it was an instrument of victory for leaders in both the Old and New Testaments.

In this way, if the biblical record is worthy of our trust and a principle to be followed, then we can affirm that “the overcomers fast and the defeated do not”.

“Yet even now says the Lord, Return to me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning.” (J12: 12)

“Before, as ministers of God, we commend ourselves in everything: in much patience, in afflictions, in necessities, in distresses, in stripes, in prisons, in tumults, in labors, in vigils, in fastings, in purity, in knowledge, in longsuffering, in kindness, in the Holy Spirit, in unfeigned love.” (2 Chr 6:4-6)

“Jesus answered them, Can those who are invited to the wedding mourn while the bridegroom is with them?

But days will come when the bridegroom will be taken away from them, and on that day they will fast.” (Matt 9:15)

2. We Fast With Prayer To Humble Ourselves Before The Lord And Obtain His Grace And Power.

How we need the grace of God! Are you aware that you need God’s provision and power to carry out the work the Lord has put in your heart? Well, we are all in need of His continuous provision to have a victorious life in our daily lives.

Would it then be too painful to fast at least once a week in order to keep the “channels” of your life clean? Our brother James made this point very clear. If you want power and grace from God you must humble yourself:

“Humble yourselves before the Lord and he will lift you up” (James 4:10)

The Holy Spirit is called the Spirit of grace. If you want this glorious Spirit of grace working in your life, the way is simple, humble yourself “under His mighty hand.

3. We Fast With Prayer For Victory Over Temptations And Attacks That Keep Us From Moving In God’s Power.

If the anointing from on high is not flowing through your life, that is a good indication that you need to introduce fasting and prayer into your life.

The time has come to clear the “channel” for the free movement of the Spirit of God through you.

Once again let us turn to the One who has the standard of stature as a perfect man, the great Author of our faith, Jesus.

According to the Gospel of Luke chapter 4, the Lord came out of the desert, out of temptation in the “Power of the Holy Spirit”. If you want the same, follow in his footsteps, do what he did.

The gospel tells us that Jesus ate nothing for 40 days, being tempted by the devil for all this time; however, the height of Satan’s attack was when the Lord found himself hungry.

4. We Fast With Prayer To Cleanse Ourselves From Sin (And Become Able To Help Others Along The Path Of Consecration).

According to the Holy Scriptures, Jesus Christ took away all the sin of the world on the cross of Calvary.

Yes, this is undoubtedly a glorious reality. However, many of us still live “embarrassed” by sins and it seems that no matter how hard we try and avoid them, they continue to harass us and bring frustration. Has this been the reality of your life?

Indeed, our God, being cognizant of our nature, has made provision in advance for us to be, not only overcomers over sin in our lives, but also able to stand in the gap of intercession for others.

If there is any bad habit or “chronic” sin in your life that still insists on keeping you away from what the Lord has prepared for you, know that it is time to humble your soul in fasting and prayer, and the Lord will cleanse you completely.

Once purified and walking in the power of the Spirit, be ready for the moment and the Lord will raise you up in intercession for the lives of others. Another model of this practice, besides Jesus Christ, was the prophet Daniel:

“I set my face to the Lord God, to seek him with prayer and entreaty, with fasting and sackcloth and ashes, and I prayed to the Lord my God, and confessed, and said, Ah! Sir! Great and awesome God, who keep covenant and mercy with those who love you and keep your commandments; We have sinned, and done iniquity, and done wickedly, and were rebellious, departing from thy commandments and thy judgments.” (Dan 9:3-5)

We can certainly use this model prayer for our congregation, for our children, and even for our city and nation.

Daniel is confessing that they, the whole nation had gone out of the ways of the Lord and, the reason they were living in such defeat, were the sins and transgressions committed by his people.

Why, Daniel was one of the most righteous men of his generation! He was that man, who with boldness and faith, stopped the lions’ mouths and humbly confessed: “Lord, we have sinned” .

Many times I have shared this principle with pastors who protest, “You don’t understand! We are fine. 

We are today in a new context, we are living in the dispensation of grace”. I listen to them and I simply say: “You don’t understand, we are fine, we live in the dispensation of grace, but our cities, our country, our nations are living on crumbs!

”We need to take this burden on our shoulders and pray like this: ‘God, we have sinned, we have become lazy. Forgive and restore us.’ As believers and intercessors, we look up to the Great Intercessor.

We are therefore called and expected to take upon ourselves the burden of the lives of those who are being lost. This is just an inevitable part of the commitment we have to “take up our cross daily.”

Throughout history there are records of entire cities or nations seeking repentance and fasting for cleansing from sin.

This happened in the days of Jonah. The Ninevites were evil and violent and about to be judged and annihilated by God; however, they found the way of fasting (even donkeys, camels and goats were put to fast):

The Ninevites believed in God. They proclaimed a fast, and all of them, from the oldest to the smallest, put on sackcloth. When the news reached the king of Nineveh, he rose from his throne, took off his royal robe, put on sackcloth, and sat in ashes.

Then he made a proclamation in Nineveh: “By decree of the king and his nobles: It is not lawful for any man or animal, oxen or sheep to taste anything; do not eat or drink! Cover yourselves with sackcloth, men and beasts.

And all cry out to God with all their might. Leave evil ways and violence. Perhaps God will repent and turn from his wrath, and we will not be destroyed.” God saw what they did and how they turned from their evil ways. Then God repented and did not destroy them as he had threatened. (Jn 3:5-10)

Fasting has the ability to bring to the surface of our being all the rottenness of sin and the filth of bad habits that daily bubble to the surface of our lives.

You will quickly notice, especially in long periods of fasting, that if you have a bad temper that only God (and your wife) knows about, it will begin to surface and you will have no problem exposing yourself (as you are now malleable).

At the time, this will seem deeply painful to you, but be patient, don’t get discouraged. The Lord will clean you completely.

5. We Fast with Prayer To Break Ourselves Down Before The Lord And At The Same Time Be Strong In Him.

Fasting is God’s provided weapon against the flesh. When you fast, you then make an inward choice and outwardly demonstrate that you crave God’s power in your daily living.

Many years ago, when I started my ministry, I received a call from a couple that I loved very much and prayed for constantly.

At that time I had very little money available, but my heart was deeply touched when one of them said to me, “Brother Mahesh, we are in great need” .

They were finishing college and were being forced to drop out due to lack of financial resources, even for basic needs.

They told me:“Mahesh, all we want is for you to be in prayer on our behalf”.

I, however, loved them very much and was at that moment about to tell them that I would send all the money from my bank account. I was still at the University and I really needed that money that, with a lot of effort, I had saved.

As soon as those brothers shared that need with me, I said to myself, “I’m going to give you all the money I have saved for tuition next semester.” It was my flesh talking.

Now, there is no harm in giving to those who are in need; however, that was not the time for such a procedure.

The brothers’ request was only for prayer. They were looking for the Lord’s move and I just wanted to give them some money.

Suddenly, God seemed to speak to me in my ear: “Mahesh, are you going to help them or are you going to let Me act?” 

So I said, “The Lord is Sovereign.”– And I prayed for them. The next day, the two were awarded full scholarships.

And the miracle of provision didn’t stop there! For the next two years, God continued to provide for their needs in a supernatural way! In contrast to such a blessing, “the desire of the flesh” or “the deadly arm of Mahesh” could help my friends for perhaps three days at most. Thank God! He has the best way.

Consider what the Lord says in His Word:

“My knees are weak from fasting, and my flesh is wasted.

And yet I am a reproach to them; when they look at me, they move their heads.

Help me, Lord my God: save me according to your mercy.

That they may know that your hand is in this, and that you, Lord, have done it.

Curse them, but bless you: rise up, but be confounded; and let your servant rejoice.” (Ps 109: 24-28)

“And he said to me, My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.

Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me.

Therefore I take pleasure in weaknesses, in injuries, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ’s sake.

Because when I am weak then I am strong.” (2 Cor 12: 9,10)

6. We Fast With Prayer To Obtain From The Lord The Necessary Support To Carry Out His Work.

The church leaders in Antioch fasted and prayed before sending out Barnabas and Saul. Those leaders made the right choice, as they sought full success in the journey that would be undertaken by those apostles.

Barnabas and Saul always followed the same steps they took in Antioch.

Every time they established a church in a city, they would pray and fast before appointing the elders of that city.

The practice of fasting and prayer was an instrument par excellence to guide them in this difficult choice and thus ensure the success of the preaching of the Gospel and the growth of the church in the city. (See Acts 13:3,4; 14:23).

7. We Fast And Pray In Times Of Crisis.

Man has always turned to God in prayer and fasting in times of crisis. The book of Esther records what was probably the most critical time in the history of the Jewish people.

Although Hitler’s brutal massacre of Jews exterminated an estimated six million Jews in World War II, thousands of Jews still lived in other countries around the world.

In Esther’s time, however, the Jews had not yet been dispersed and Haman was literally on the verge of succeeding in his grisly goal of destroying the entire Jewish race.

The Medo-Persian king had already signed the death certificate of that nation, when Esther brought a word to the Jews.

She asked them to be on a fasting purpose before she risked her life by entering the king’s presence and asking mercy for her people.

“Then Esther said to Mordecai again, “Go, gather together all the Jews who are found in Susa, and fast for me, and do not eat or drink for three days, day or night, and I and my girls also so shall we fast; and so I will go to the king even though it is not according to the law; and if I perish, I perish.” (Esther 4:15,16)

In times of crisis, the ideal is to try to fast, abstaining from all food and drink. However, I would never recommend you to do this for more than three days, unless you are literally enjoying the glory of God and have a specific word from Him for that. Esther asked her people to be fasting for three days and, at the end of this period, God transformed all that chaotic situation in which her people found themselves, bringing powerful deliverance.

Again, in Second Book of Chronicles 20, Judah was about to be destroyed by its enemies when King Jehoshaphat ordered his people to fast. As a result, they witnessed one of the most dramatic acts of supernatural deliverance recorded in the Bible.

8. We Fast When We Seek God’s Direction.

“Then I proclaimed a fast there by the river Ahava, that we might humble ourselves before the face of our God, to ask him for a straight way for us, and for our children, and for all our household.

For I was ashamed to ask the king for an army and horsemen to defend us from the enemy on the way, because we had spoken to the king, saying, The hand of our God is on all those who seek him for good, but his strength and his wrath on all those who leave him.” (Ezra 8:21-23)

When you need God’s direction or are confused about which way to go, the best thing you can do is fast. Especially when it comes to the area of ​​interpersonal relationships, in particular, siblings who are in the process of choosing who to marry.

The Lord taught me this principle before I was married, and I fasted for my wife before I even met her. I was absolutely sure that the Lord had not called me to celibacy, and certainly He knew who she was and where she was. So, armed with this thought, I persevered in my fast.

Afterwards Bonnie and I compared our notes and discovered that at the most critical time in her life, after her parents divorced, she went into a deep crisis. And exactly during that period, without having the slightest notion of what was happening, I felt the desire to pray for her, ministering her support and deliverance.

9. We Fast To Grow In Spiritual Understanding And Divine Revelation.

As Christians, we need much more than direction. We also need revelation and understanding of certain biblical issues, situations, and truths. The word tells us:

“Therefore go thou in, and read from the scroll which thou hast written from my mouth, the words of the Lord in the hearing of the people, in the house of the Lord on the fast day.

You shall also read them in the ears of all Judah, who come from their cities.” (Jer 36:6)

Sometimes revelation from the Lord does not necessarily come at the time of fasting, but afterward. This happened to me when the Lord revealed wonderful healing principles to me during a crusade in Haiti.

God worked tremendous miracles in those meetings. However, the local Voodoo priests and witch doctors were very disturbed by our gatherings.

They called, through the radio, all the sorcerers and witches to a meeting with the objective of putting a curse on us! I said, “Oh! This is wonderful! Let’s see what they can do, because I’m sure the glory of the Lord is all around us and absolutely nothing can touch us”.

During one of those meetings, a certain woman who had been born blind was brought forward by her granddaughter.

We had several consecutive concentrations in that country and, every night, that lady came forward with her hand on her granddaughter’s shoulder to receive prayer and several times she experienced the impact of God’s anointing, and fell to the ground, although I barely touch her.

During one of these moments, knowing that something had happened to that poor woman, I went to her saying: “How are you, Grandma? Look at me!” She, embarrassed and blinking her inactive little eyes, replied: “I cannot see.” I could only answer him: “Okay, come here please!” I prayed for her and nothing happened.

The same thing happened at all concentrations the following nights. She always came forward with her granddaughter.

She was impacted by the power of the Holy Spirit in such a way that she always fell to the ground. I was sure what happened to her was the genuine power of the Spirit.

However, every time he helped her to get up off the ground, asking the same question, she replied: “I still can’t see”.I confess that I started to feel a little embarrassed about that situation.

You must imagine how I felt. When we are leading a healing ministry we don’t necessarily expect the first person to come forward to be a blind person.

There is a great temptation to invite those who suffer from headaches or some other ailment that is not so exposed. Yet the Lord, in His sovereignty, does not think so.

Already on the fourth day I began to worry about that grandma coming forward to be prayed for.

I was then able to simply pray, “Father, thank You that she is not waiting for the healing that I can perform, but for the wonders of her.” Again the same things happened; in fact, the same thing happened on the fifth and sixth day.

She would come forward, I would pray, she would fall by the power of the Spirit, I would help her up, ask her how she was doing and she would softly answer, “I still can’t see.” 

So I would say to him, “The Lord bless you!” On the last day of that crusade in Haiti, my favorite grandma once again came forward with her hand on her granddaughter’s shoulder.

Once more I prayed for her, and again, an unbelievable power of God shook that fragile body of hers and, absolutely knocked out, she fell to the ground. I walked up to her saying, “God bless you.” 

Once again I asked the same question as the previous days: “How are you feeling Grandma?” 

And blinking her little black eyes, she answered me with glee: “I can see you clearly!” God had totally recreated her eyes and given her sight for the first time in her life! Then I exclaimed, “How wonderful! Hallelujah! Only the Lord is God!”

However, in my heart I said, “Amen, I know the Lord could do this from day one.” 

Many months later, during an extended period of fasting and prayer, I was driving down a road in South Florida, where I lived.

I was distracted when, right in front of my eyes, the scene of that day when I prayed for that poor Haitian grandmother unfolded.

For a long time I was very impressed about those seven days I was praying for that blind woman.

At that moment when the Lord opened my eyes to consider that miracle, He gave me understanding of what was preventing that woman from being healed from day one.

The Lord showed me that every time she came forward to receive prayer, a creature that looked like an octopus, with its many tentacles, wrapped around the woman’s eyes.

Every time he prayed for her, the anointing of God would touch her and snatch her away from one of those hideous tentacles.

During the first prayer, a second tentacle was supernaturally removed. During the second prayer, the third tentacle, and so on.

At the last meeting that woman had come forward with only the tentacle that still insisted on making her blind.

In fact, that creature was a spirit of blindness, a demon that had kept her bound and confined in a world of darkness.

When I prayed for her that last day, the last tentacle left her and she could see it clearly. That day, the Lord made it clear in my spirit that demonic obstructions can hinder us in many ways.

Every time you pray under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, no doubt something happens in the spirit world. Believe it! The Lord will always tell us, Don’t be discouraged. Persevere in fasting with prayer until the last hurdle falls away and healing and deliverance take place.

Benefits of Fasting with Prayer From a Health Perspective

Fasting with prayer is not only part of a form of spirituality, but can also be a health therapy. Many studies have revealed that fasting is considered to be able to cure some serious diseases.

In fact, there are also studies that reveal that fasting can be beneficial for skin health, you know!

As we are starting the year January, let’s see what are the benefits of fasting for human health and psychology!

Maintain Heart and Blood Vessel Health

You must know that heart disease is a serious and deadly disease?

Well, this fasting activity is considered to have a good impact on heart health. This is because when we fast, the body will increase HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) and lower LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) for the health of our heart and blood vessels.

It should be noted that HDL is good cholesterol which functions to prevent atheroma or narrowing of blood vessels due to fat in the body. Meanwhile, LDL is bad cholesterol which is one of the causes of atheroma formation.

Controlling Weight

When fasting, we will be given taboos to eat and drink as usual from sunrise to sunset. Indirectly, fasting activities are almost the same as dieting activities.

Therefore, fasting can make it easier for our bodies to control and lose weight. We just eat healthy food when breaking the fast and sahur during these fasting activities.

Removing Toxins From Inside The Body

In our body, there are many poisons which of course are harmful to health. Well, from fasting activities it turns out that it can remove toxins that have accumulated in the body (detoxification). When the body eats fat reserves to get energy, these fat reserves will burn toxins that are harmful to the body.

So, during fasting, our body will release toxins in the digestive system for one month.

Lowering Cholesterol Levels

Based on research conducted in the United Arab Emirates, concluded that people who do fasting activities will experience a reduction in blood cholesterol levels. Low cholesterol levels can improve heart health, thereby reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke.

In addition, if we follow a healthy diet program, cholesterol levels in the body can be lowered easily.

Absorbs Lots of Nutrients

Metabolism is a chemical process that occurs in the body to convert the food and drink consumed into a form of energy. Well, when fasting, the metabolic process will become more efficient.

An efficient metabolic process is if the amount of nutrients to be absorbed from food becomes greater.
This can occur during fasting and dawn, namely with an increase in the hormone adiponectin that is produced, allowing the body to absorb more nutrients.

Improve Brain Ability

From fasting activities, we can increase neurotrophic origin from the brain to help the body produce more brain cells so that it can improve brain function.

It should be noted that neurotropics are a group of vitamins consisting of Vitamin B1 (thiamine), vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), and vitamin B12 (cobalamin).

These three vitamins play an important role in the health of the nervous system.

In addition, when fasting, the amount of the hormone cortisol will decrease due to the presence of the adrenal glands, which can reduce a person’s stress level.

Coping with joint pain

Joint pain or gout is a pain that is often experienced by some people. However, regular fasting can actually increase the natural neutralizing cells in the body so that the joint pain will slowly heal.

There are even studies that reveal that there is a relationship between the increased ability of neutralizing cells and arthritis.

Prevent Diabetes

Diabetes is classified as a serious disease caused by high levels of sugar and cholesterol in the human body.

Now, with fasting activities, the consumption of sugar and fatty foods that we usually eat, can be controlled so that indirectly it can prevent diabetes and other hereditary diseases.

Maintain Kidney Health

The presence of kidneys in the body functions as a filter for harmful substances from the food and drinks we consume. The kidney function will be maximized if the osmotic strength of the urine in the body reaches 1,000 to 12,000 ml of osmosis/kg of water.

Now, with this fasting activity, it will also reduce water intake in the body, so that it will have a good impact on kidney health.

Boosts the Immune System

When fasting, the body can boost its immune system you know… So the notion that fasting can make people weak and get sick easily is wrong.

When fasting, the body will increase lymphocytes (white blood cells) up to 10 times, thus having a big impact on our immune system. In addition, fasting can also prevent our bodies from various viruses.

Replacing Body Cells

When fasting, we will tend to feel facial skin becomes dull and dry. But it turns out that this is because when fasting, the body is replacing new body cells faster than usual.

Therefore, when breaking your fast and sahur, don’t forget to eat nutritious food so that the skin cell regeneration process becomes faster and healthier.

Cleaning Eyes

When fasting, the dirt that is in the eye will actually be removed to the fullest. In the detoxification process, this eye discharge will make our eyesight sharper. In fact, our eyes will look more sparkling and beautiful!

Overcoming Acne

Acne is a skin disorder caused by excess sebum (oil). Especially if there are pimples on our faces, of course we will feel disturbed right?

Well, when fasting, the body will experience a detoxification process. Therefore, by fasting, acne can easily disappear more quickly.

Repairs Hair and Nails

At the start of fasting, our hair and nails tend to look dull and dry. However, don’t worry, because later during routine fasting, our hair and nails will experience new cell regeneration. This of course can make hair and nail cells newer.

Lowering Fat Levels in the Body

According to study, fasting may lead to greater reductions of fat and belly fat in body fat compared to continual calorie restriction

When fasting, we will “rarely” consume a lot of food. So, from that, healthy fats in the body also help in reducing bad fats or ketosis.

The ketosis process is considered to be able to help the body burn fat reserves, especially in excess fat which is usually found in the liver and kidneys. The presence of excess fat can interfere with the function of the body’s organs.

Reducing Inflammatory Pain

Inflammatory pain can actually be caused by many things, one of which is an unhealthy diet. Especially if you are excessive in consuming processed carbohydrate foods, alcohol, milk, fried foods, and others.

So, if we fast, we can reduce inflammation due to hormonal balance. There are even several studies that say that lower insulin levels and better insulin sensitivity can actually reduce oxidative stress caused by the presence of free radicals.

The Benefits of Fasting with Prayer in terms of Health and the Christian Religion

We hope this article helped you learn about the benefits of fasting with prayer in terms of health and the christian religion. You may also want to learn How to Meditate: 12 Tips for Beginners, or check out our Spiritual Health Category.

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