Pimple Like Bump On Clitoral Hood 13 Causes And Treatment

Pimple Like Bump On Clitoral Hood: 13 Causes And Treatment

Have you ever had or heard of pimple like bump on clitoral hood? It is very common for acne to appear on the face or other parts of the body, but did you know that they can also appear in the intimate region?

The clitoris is a part of the female sexual organ, along with the vagina and hymen, and is present in mammals.

The clitorial hood, a part of the erogenous zone, being considered the main source of female pleasure.

From a 1976 book, by Thomas Lowry and Theo Lowry, the glance of clitoris contains more than 8,000 nerve endings. Comparable to the penis, anatomically and physiologically, this erogenous zone is covered with a layer of skin to protect it.

Clitorial hood

Read Also:  10 Things You Didn’t Know About The Clitoris

Inflammation, irritations, fungal infections and other sores must be the subject of a consultation.

Most of the time, pimple like bump on clitoral hood are not usually a serious problem, but it’s important to stay tuned and see a doctor if you notice any different symptoms such as small red painful bump, itching, burning or bad smell.

Ingrown hairs and folliculitis can give rise to small lumps on the vulva, groin, labia majora and minora, or even at the entrance to the vagina, causing some type of irritation or allergy. 

To better understand the main causes of painful pimples on clitoral hood, precautions, preventions and how you can treat them.

Keep On Reading To Find Out!


What Can Cause Pimple Like Bumps On Clitoral Hood and Vagina?


Pimple Like Bump On Clitoral Hood: 10 Causes And Treatment

Vaginal pimples can be as a result of shaving. Molluscum contagiosumn, sexually transmitted diseases, ingrown hairs or sebaceous gland cyst can cause pimple like bump on the clitoral hood.

These pimples can appear on the inner or outer labia of the vagina, as well as on the vulva occasionally, they may appear on the clitoris or under the hood.

Some pimple like bump small white bump on clitorial hood can be filled with pus and fester into an open, oozing sore.

Genital Human Papillomavirus (Hpv) And Herpes Can Cause Pimples In The Vagina

Genital human papillomavirus (HPV) and herpes are the two main sexually transmitted diseases known to cause red, Itchy white bump on clitorus.

The clitoris is a rare location of herpes, the most common is genital herpes.

However, it sometimes happens that it wins this area. Its appearance is identical to the one you can have on the lip.

Herpes pimples can be painful and often turn into ulcers. The pimple-like rashes caused by HPV are actually warts and can turn into a floret pattern if multiple warts grow too close together and swell.

It causes the appearance of vesicles in the vulva. Pushing this red bump like pimples can be painful and promotes other sexually transmitted infections.

In this case, it suffices to apply the specific treatment for herpes, namely alocal antiseptic and an oral treatment.

In 3 days, the treatment must act on the disappearance of the vesicle. Avoid all intercourse during this time.

Generally, HPV pimples are accompanied by a different discharge and may need to be surgically removed.

According to healthline, some vaginal bump or pimples on clitoral hood are caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV), a common sexually transmitted disease (STD).

Caused by a smallpox virus, molluscum contagiosum results in a rash of tiny pimples on the genitals.

Unlike HPV-linked genital warts, which they are often confused with, these bumps do not itch and remain the same size throughout the outbreak.

Shellfish bones do not turn red, but remain the color of the flesh; its texture is generally smooth and soft.

Contagious and likely to spread, these pimples can look like red bumps or rashes can break out beyond the clitorial hood, infecting the anus and stomach. If spread by contact with hands, molluscum pimples can also appear on the face or lip.

The Microfissures Of The Clitoris

A rough caress resulting from fingernail or a wrong move can cause a small injury to the clitoris.

However, today the most common causes of bump on clitoral hood remains full shaving. There are majority of girls who shave themselves, so it’s not uncommon for slip-ups to damage the clitoris and labia minora.

These wounds are treated like a small vulvar wound. Start by eliminating intensive toilets. You can use gynecological eosin, an antiseptic that does not sting and a gentle healing cream, such as Bepanthène Ointment for example. Avoid corticosteroids.

Mycoses Of The Clitoris

Fungal infections are characterized by redness and swelling of the lips of the vulva and the entrance to the vagina, which can reach the clitorial hood, with itching sensations.

Avoid overly aggressive treatments in the first place. Antifungal creams can sometimes be too invasive in this area.

Opt instead for Bepanthene and practice sitz baths with Hydralin. The inflammation should normally pass within 48 hours. In any case, consulting your GP or gynecologist is highly recommended.

Irritations, Itching Of The Clitoris

There are many factors that cause clitoris irritation. Starting with wearing pants that are too tight, or else thongs or thongs. In terms of irritating factors, some intimate soaps and gels can also be invasive.

More recently, sex toys for the clitoris and heating gels have appeared, promising more intense sensations, and which can cause irritation.

Once the factor at the origin of the disorder has been identified, it is best to eliminate the source.

Caution: Therefore with irritating materials, fabrics, such as washing gels. Soft pedal also on the new sex toys. Especially if problems arise. Again a sitz bath with hydralin should calm the irritation.

Intimate Piercings

Fashion effect obliges, certain young girls are made pose piercings on the lip of their sex, in top. Near the clitorial hood.

It’s a risky operation. The ring is made of metal, rarely hypoallergenic and the fitting conditions are not always perfect.

Furthermore, this area is subject to friction, the risks of which are amplified with this foreign body.

In case of strong compressions, the superficial tissue of the clitoris becomes congested.

The hydralin sitz baths will calm the irritation. In the long term, and especially in the event of recurrences, the removal of the piercing is recommended.

An Allergic Reaction To A Latex Condom Can Cause Vaginal Pimples

Sebaceous pimples or cysts that form when oil clogs the sebaceous gland can form in the vulva area. These pimples are harmless and can go away without treatment.

Applying a warm towel to the pimple to open the pores can cause the inflammation to subside.

Irritating the cyst by scratching, however, can worsen the condition and cause the gland to become infected with bacteria.

Waxing And Excess Oil

The appearance of pimple like bump on clitoral hood can be caused by waxing and excess oil in the region.

The intimate region, as well as any part of the body, is not exempt from the appearance of acne, as it also has sebaceous glands.

These glands are responsible for the production of sebum, which has the function of lubricating the skin and hair, preventing dryness.

When sebum is produced in excess, it builds up clogging pores. The clogging generates an inflammation we know as acne.

As the female genital is much more internal and humid, it can end up suffering from excess sweating and oiliness.

But sebum production is not always the biggest responsible for the appearance of pimples on the skin of the clitoral hood.

Waxing and the clothes we wear can also cause genital irritation. Folliculitis on the vulva can arise from friction caused by shaving or wearing tight clothes.

Folliculitis is an inflammation of the hair follicles, tiny holes that grow hair.

Some types of hair removal, such as mainly the blade and hot wax, end up favoring lesions in the follicles and contamination of bacteria.

Therefore, sometimes those lumps appear, especially in the groin, which depending on the depth of the lesion, can inflame and become pus. Same thing with ingrown hairs, which also inflame and cause redness.


Syphilis is a Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) curable and exclusive to humans, caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum. It can present several clinical manifestations and different stages (primary, secondary, latent and tertiary syphilis).

In the primary and secondary stages of infection, the possibility of transmission is greater. Syphilis can be transmitted through unprotected sex with an infected person.

IMPORTANT: In more severe forms of the disease, as in the case of Tertiary Syphilis, if there is no proper treatment, it can lead to death.

The correct and regular use of female and/or male condoms is the most important measure to prevent syphilis, as it is a sexually transmitted infection.


Bartholinitis, one of the most common types of vaginal cyst is an inflammation or infection in the Bartholin’s glands, which are located on both sides of the vaginal cavity and are responsible for lubricating the vagina during sexual intercourse.

Bartholinitis is a kind of pimple like bump, an inflammation on the outside of the vagina that can be extremely uncomfortable and needs treatment.

Bartholinitis can cause a range of discomforts, often involving the release of pus and pain at the inflamed site.

In some cases, it can lead to the accumulation of pus and swelling of the region. Doctors talk more about this subject and give recommendations for dealing with the situation.

According to gynecologist, if one of the glands channels is blocked or clogged, the fluid produced accumulates and forms a lump in the vagina, as if it were a pimple. This does not necessarily mean bartholinitis.

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Bartholinitis only happens when there is an inflammatory or infectious process in the cyst. Hence the feeling of pain and the urgency for some treatment measure.

Often the lump may not actually be an infection. In cases of painless cysts, taking a sitz bath is recommended in addition to relieving discomfort, this cleaning keeps the region sanitized, avoiding contamination by bacteria.

Infected Sweat Gland

Sweat glands are everywhere, including in your groin, as any woman who has ever worn gray leggings during a workout can attest. And these glands can become infected, causing a painful, swollen bump on clitorial hood.

Staying in damp pants, underwear, or bathing suits, especially those that aren’t made of absorbent fabric, traps sweat against your skin, which can cause your sweat glands to become blocked or infected.

Proper hygiene, including washing the vaginal area thoroughly with clean water and changing into dry clothing as often as possible, will prevent most of these bumps. Otherwise, they will likely go away on their own, but if they show signs of infection, call your doctor.

Ingrown Hairs

Pubic hair is characterized by its wavy shape, but this tight spiral can have a major downside: it is much more likely than other hairs to penetrate the skin, becoming ingrown.

2014 study, 32.7% of women who removed their pubic hair had ingrown hairs at some point or another.

The most common reason for painful bumps in the vaginal area is ingrown hairs. They can get inflamed, but it’s very rare. Most of the time, they are just annoying.

You can use tweezers and a mirror to try to remove the hair, or you can let it heal on its own. If the bumps don’t go away or show signs of infection (redness, swelling, pain, or pus), see your doctor.

Skin Tags

Over time, sun exposure can bring new freckles or blemishes to the skin, while friction from skin contact with clothing can result in skin tags.

This doesn’t pose a health threat and usually doesn’t require medical treatment, unless, of course, they bother you to the point where you simply want to remove them.

However, if you notice warts appearing, it’s important that you notice the difference between whether they look normal and suspicious, especially if you spend a lot of time in the sun.

According to the Skin Cancer Foundation (USA), normal warts are usually round and regular in shape. A typical warts, however, tend to be asymmetrical and multicolored, and their size can increase over time.

Pimples On Private Parts Female Treatment

Usually, the treatment for pimple like bump on clitoral hood and vagina is quite simple and easy. Focused mainly on a care routine for the region.

More than a recommendation, the first order is: don’t poke and don’t squeeze! Regardless of where the pimple is, it is essential not to touch it, as this can lead to a more serious infection.

It is good that you intensify your intimate hygiene habits, especially if you are menstruating.

But you don’t need fancy soaps and tissues, okay? Change the pad every 4 hours at most and keep the vulva clean with running water.

If it’s bothering you a lot, you can put a hot water compress on the spot, being careful not to press too hard or burn yourself.

But no taking medicine on your own, huh! If the pimples or bump remains for a long time or is very painful, talk to your gynecologist to indicate the best treatment.

Pimple On Labia Majora, What To Do?

Pimple Like Bump On Clitoral Hood: 10 Causes And Treatment

Despite being in a hidden place, the pimple on the labia majora can be a little more uncomfortable than in other regions. So when it appears:

  • Avoid wearing very tight clothing for long periods. They muffle the region and increase friction;
  • Opt for cotton underwear over synthetic materials that increase perspiration.

Pimple On The Inner Lips, What To Do?

The first thing is not to squeeze! And yes, we will repeat this whenever your question is what to do with a pimple. We know how much acne bothers, especially in a place as sensitive as the vagina. But resist the temptation, for your own sake!

We fought bravely to resist. You can do it too! 🙏

Also, all the recommendations we have given above are valid for treating pimple like bump on clitoral hood. Maintain good hygiene habits to prevent an infection and a worsening of the pimple.


Shaving the vulva can cause pimples or red painful bumps in the vagina due to ingrown hairs or bacteria introduced into the area by the razor blade.

Ingrown hairs are often caused by shaving too close and in the opposite direction of hair growth.

Pimples like bumps associated with a bacterial infection can result from bacteria on the blade itself or on the clitorial hood, as shaving causes abrasions or cuts, allowing any bacteria to enter.


To diagnose painful pimples on clitoral hood and the cause or whether it requires immediate treatment, a woman can usually visit her health care doctor or gynecologist for examination because its not a normal area for pimples.

Many health clinics also offer free, reduced screenings for genital anomalies. Keeping a journal of changes in the size, shape, and location of vaginal bump or pimples can help with proper diagnosis.


To prevent the appearance of pimple like bump on clitoral hood, it is essential to keep the area clean and not share personal hygiene materials. They are:

  • Keeping the intimate region well sanitized is the first step to avoid pimples, folliculitis and any other type of dermatological inflammation.
  • Avoid manipulating the place with a dirty hand or trying to squeeze because it can worsen the process.
  • The use of antiseptic soaps to help with the treatment.
  • Avoid wearing very tight clothes, especially panties, and give preference to lighter pieces.
  • Finally, pay attention to the type of intimate waxing and not to share personal hygiene material.

Beware Of Self-medication

Self-medication should only be used in prevention, or in support of a treatment recommended after consultation.

As a general rule, when one is inflamed, the application of a soothing cream is necessary. Beware of those containing corticosteroids.

Furthermore, petroleum jelly and any other oil-based composition are not recommended for this area: they can cause allergies and inflammatory reactions. So be careful and don’t hesitate to consult!


pimple like bump on clitoral hood does exist, but it can be avoided with care when cleaning, shaving and choosing the most appropriate type of underwear. If you notice a certain frequency of pimples or injuries in the same area, talk to your gynecologist so he or she can examine.

Reader Questions:

Why Do Pimples Like Bump Appear On The Clitoral Hood?

Pimple Like Bump On Clitoral Hood: Causes And Treatment

According to gynecologist, pimples like bump can appear in all parts of our body that have sebaceous glands, including the clitorial hood.

Even in areas where there is less oil production, pimples like bump can appear unexpectedly on the vulva and groin. In the vagina (mucosa) there is none.

How To Deal With Pimple Like Bump On The Clitoral Hood?

Maintaining good habits with intimate hygiene is an important condition to prevent follicles from being invaded by bacteria that lead to inflammation.

According to the gynecologist, during menstruation care should be redoubled, due to the greater accumulation of bacteria.

Use a liquid soap with neutral pH for the hygiene of the vagina, in addition to giving preference to clothes made of light and natural fabrics such as cotton, preferably not so tight.

Synthetic material panties increase perspiration and retain more sweat, which is a risk for contracting viruses and bacteria,” he explains.

If pimples or bumps still appears, treatment should be local. One option is the use of topical antibiotics under medical supervision or natural agents such as lavender or tea tree oil, which is an excellent antiseptic for local and punctual use. Also do not squeezing the pimples, as it can worsen inflammation.

Can A Girl Confuse Vaginal Pimples With An Std? How To Differentiate?

The most important thing, according to the gynecologist, is to make sure that it is not a sexually transmitted disease (STD). So, the tip is to stay tuned and follow the evolution of your case. If you notice anything strange, seek medical help as soon as possible.

Depilation Deserves Special Attention In Case Of Pimples like bump on clitorial hood

According to the gynecologist, small traumas (wounds) on the clitoral hood facilitate the penetration of bacteria.

So it’s good to pay attention to some precautions when shaving: Reused blades, unwashed waxes and traction (force) against the direction of the hair increase the chances of inflammation by bacteria.

How Do You Know If It’s A Pimple Or Something More Serious?

As you have seen, the pimple like bump on clitoral hood is not something serious. But it is very important that you pay attention to your body’s signs and symptoms.

When pimples appear very often in large numbers in the vagina area, it is good to make an appointment with your gynecologist to talk about it.

It may be nothing, but precaution is the best medicine for good health. And it’s always good to keep up to date with your doctor, isn’t it?

IMPORTANT: When the pimple in the vagina is accompanied by symptoms such as bleeding, vaginal discharge and pain during sexual intercourse, seek immediately your or your gynecologist. The situation may be a sexually transmitted infection (STI), so it is essential to investigate.

And When I Have Ingrown Hairs In My Vagina, What To Do?

Pimple like bump on clitoral hood and ingrown hair are different things and have different characteristics. The ingrown hair happens because of a crooked thread that can’t “pierce” the skin and gets stuck inside. Usually, it causes a reddish lump that hurts and bothers a lot.

But it may also be that a whitish tip appears in the central region of the lump, because of the accumulation of weight under the skin. And so it can be mistaken for a pimple.

When the hair gets ingrown, the annoyance can be quite big. So avoid wearing very tight clothes, to reduce local friction.

And if there is pus, you already know, right? No squeezing! You have to wait for it to be reabsorbed by the body, as bursting increases the risk of infection. If it’s bothering you a lot, you can put a hot compress on the area.

To avoid more hair ingrown on the vulva, it’s good to do a light local exfoliation with vegetable loofah every 15 days!

To finish the matter, it’s important that you know how to avoid the pimple in the vagina (and other infections): sanitize the area very well every time you shower. Avoid shaving with a razor, choose less tight clothes, wear more cotton panties. From time to time, let this part of your body breathe!

If you notice a high frequency of pimple like bump on clitorial hood or injuries, talk to your gynecologist!

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Pimple Like Bump On Clitoral Hood: 13 Causes And Treatment

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