itchy skin pregnancy

Why Is Itchy Skin In Pregnancy? Early Symptoms and Preventions

Why Is Itchy Skin In Pregnancy? Itching is common due to increasing blood flow in pregnancy. As your pregnancy progresses and your baby grows, the skin of your abdomen is stretched and this can cause you to feel itchy. So, why would itch in pregnancy? All the details of the crown of itchiness are in our article.

Itchy skin pregnancy

Itching is common in pregnancy. Itching is seen in one of the 5 pregnant women. It is generally thought to result from the high levels of some chemicals such as hormones in the blood. Now, why is itching in pregnancy? Let’s have a look at what it is to know about itching treatment.


One of the most serious consequences of severe priming complaints is the early birth. ICP is diagnosed with blood tests that control your medical and family history and liver function (liver function tests – LFTs). After the ICP diagnosis is placed on your baby, you will make regular LFT until your baby is born so your doctor can monitor your status.

Creams such as calamine lotion are safe in pregnancy and can provide some relief from itching. Your doctor may give a drug to reduce gall salts and to relieve itching. ICP may affect your vitamin K vitamin K vitamin K, so you can be offered a vitamin K supplement. But the most definite treatment is childbirth.

For prurigo treatment, your doctor can write topical softeners or steroids along with oral antihistamines.

Itchy skin in Pregnancy Early symptoms?

Generally itching is not considered an early pregnancy symptom. Although, many types of rashes typically only appear later in pregnancy and some may not resolve until after your baby is born.

In additional, Intense itching is the major symptom of cholestasis of pregnancy. There is no rash. Most times, women feel itchy on the palms of their hands or the soles of their feet, but some women feel itchy all over the body.

Why is Itchy Skin in Pregnancy?

Itchy skin pregnancy

Itching in pregnancy is generally nothing to worry, but if itch is exacerbated, it may be the sign of a serious liver discomfort called obstetric cholestase.

The skin has a flexible structure and needs moisture. During the pregnancy period due to the expansion of the abdomen and the chest region due to weight gain, the skin loses moisture and it may occur. In pregnancy, the isch of abdomen is the most common problems.

Quickly weight gain can cause cracks in some women. At the same time, itching may be of itching due to the cracks in pregnancy. To avoid this situation, it is important to browse the use of crack cream during the gestation period.

In the gestation period, it has a close relationship with the changing hormone balance of itching. Quickly changing hormones may cause skin sensitization. Due to the sensitive skin, itching in the gestation period is very normal in the hands and feet.

Physical changes in the female body are densely experienced in the post pregnancy period. In particular, it is useful to use a breast-end honey that is good next to the tenderness of breastfeeding.

Itchy skin while Pregnant First trimester

In first trimester, mild itching is common in pregnancy because of the increased blood supply to the skin.

As your pregnancy progresses and as your baby grows, the skin of your abdomen is stretched and this may also feel itchy.

Usually it’s thought to be caused by raised levels of certain chemicals in the blood, such as hormones. Later, as your bump grows, the skin of your tummy (abdomen) is stretched and this may also feel itchy.

Itchy skin in Pregnancy third trimester

Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy, commonly known as cholestasis of pregnancy, is a liver condition that occurs in late pregnancy. The condition triggers intense itching, but without a rash. Itching usually occurs on the hands and feet but can also affect other parts of the body.

Serious itching

Itching during pregnancy

Intrahaptic cholestase (ICP) Itching may be the indication of a pregnancy status called the intraeptic cholestasic (ICP, as well as obstetrical cholestasis) of pregnancy. This is a liver discomfort to develop in pregnancy. The reason is uncertain.

Normally, the bile acids flow into your powder to help you digest food. In ICP, the bile acids do not flow properly and accumulate in your body. ICP has no treatment, but your baby needs to go after the born. Usually itching without rash is the main symptom of ICP. Itching is usually more pronounced in the handful and the soles of the feet, but you can feel all over the body. Itching for some women is unbiased and may be worse at night.


An additional condition that can lead to prurigo is the prurigo of pregnancy. This is characterized by small, itchy protuberances that can be mixed with insect bites on the skin. Prurigo may occur at any point during pregnancy and continue after delivery. It is believed to cause changes in immune function during pregnancy. Prurigo does not create risk for baby. Other reasons that may cause itching:

Hormonal changes – increase of progesterone and estrogen hormone – pregnancy sourced skin cracks – resulting in skin diseases (eg eczema, psoriff) – pregnancy urticaria (puppp) – Thyroid and kidney discomfort – viral hepatitis – food allergies – medicine use

When does Itching occur in Pregnancy?

Any time may occur during the pregnancy period. Each woman’s body is different and the reactions of the body in the weight of the weight intake processes are different. Some women may be as little as no itching. In some females, itches may occur in the mean 23rd weeks of pregnancy.

In the period of pregnancy, the night of the night is often seen. The increase in the clock of the bloodstream is a normal condition in the night hours of the night. Night turn of the night in the gestation period is quite common.

Things you can do to prevent itching?

Itchy skin pregnancy

Wearing plenty of clothing can help prevent the itch due to the low chance of causing friction and irritation to your skin. In addition, you may want to avoid synthetic materials and choose natural fabrics such as cotton that allows the air close to your skin. You can find a cool bath or the implementation of lotion or moisturizer may help to help remove the itch.

Some women discover that strong perfumed products may irritate the skin, so you can try to use a flat lotion or soap. Mild itching is usually not harmful to you or your baby, but sometimes it may be a sign of more serious situation. If you are worried or experiencing violent itch, it is important to see your midwife or doctor.

The skin types of the highlight of itching, is the most serious skin types are tense and dry skin. To prevent the itch in these skin types and to prevent skin infections, are:

  • To make a compressed area of 5-10 minutes to the indoor area with cold wet cloth or ice mold.
  • After the shower, held in the refrigerator and applying perfume-free oats lotion and cream intensively to the entire body.
  • Aloe vera is a substance with soothing feature for problems seen in many skin. The Aloe Vera leaf is longitudinally cut out of the extract / gel to the extract / gel itching places to relax.
  • If it is very severe and intense, itching in pregnancy is quite normal. In pregnancy, itching and redness in the body is not a situation to be concerned often. However, if this situation is in the level that cannot be folded, it is important that you have to consult with your doctor.

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