tomato mask to remove pimples and skin blemishes

Tomato mask to remove Pimples and Skin blemishes

Everyone knows that pimples, acnes and rashes can leave their face with blemishes and marks forever. And if you suffer with pimples and skin blemishes you can end them wearing a homemade mask with tomato.

Today, we brought an effective homemade remedy that will leave your skin smooth and soft. All because of the acids and benefits that the tomato has to combat the pimples.

Tomato is rich in vitamins and acids,hence they prevent the development of pimples, also rejuvenates the skin.

Before we proceed, it will interest you to know that in the video below, we have visually explained 3 simple and natural way (Diy) to effectively clear acne, dark spots, pimples & blemish. You’ll certainly love it.

Everyone knows that tomato is a fruit that brings many health benefits, with all its vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other properties.

Tomato is a rich source in vitamin C and lycopene, with antioxidant property. And the best thing is that it does well for the skin: improves appearance, eliminates oiliness and consequently prevents against pimples and skin blemishes.

In addition to these benefits, also fighting free radicals, reduces hypertension and provides greater bone resistance.

The red color of the tomato is contain a substance called lycopene, which is effective for treating fine lines and wrinkles, combating signs of aging. Rich in vitamin A, the tomato help repair skin cells that are damaged. To be healthy, our skin needs a dose of 16 mg of lycopene a day. Lycopene is a phytochemical capable of regenerating skin and preventing various diseases such as cancer.

We have to take into account that factors such as pollution, air conditioning or stress affect the health of our skin. They increase free radicals and the epidermis retains less moisture, paving the way for premature wrinkles and blemishes.

Tomato mask to remove pimples and skin blemishesHomemade mask with tomato

Tomato in pimples treatment

If you have skin pimples, the tomato can help you get rid of it. Cut a small piece of tomato fruit (proportional to the size of the pimples) and position it in the appropriate place. You can even hold with a micro pore tape if you want to. Allow it to stay for about 15 minutes and see the result: The tomato will “suck” the pimples and the look will be much better.

Mask with tomato can remove pimples and blemishes on the skin

Tomato in the treatment of oily skin and skin blemishes

Tomato mask to remove pimples and skin blemishes

If you want to have a more balanced skin, put a peeled tomato in the blender with a small amount of water.

Then apply on the face and let it stay for fifteen minutes before bath: this diminishes the oiliness.

To make a more powerful Tomato facial mask:

Blend a few tomato together with avocado and apply it on your face.

Applying these ingredients  can help you get rid of pimples and blemishes on the skin.

Homemade Tomato mask to get rid of pimples and skin blemishes

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