Benefits of honeybush tea

Honeybush tea: 4 Benefits, Uses & Where to Buy

The honeybush tea is made from Cyclopia, a typical plant of South Africa, and has gained notoriety due to the soothing properties and for its supposed ability to help in burning fat.

With a sweet taste, honeybush tea (honey = honey; bush = bush) is full of anti-inflammatory properties and important minerals such as magnesium, zinc, iron and manganese.

Plus, it’s caffeine free. Therefore, suitable for those who lead a stressful life and need to relax. It also contains antioxidant properties that help slow down the aging process. Know more.

Benefits of honeybush tea

1. Protects stomach health

Tea has historically been used for medicinal purposes, specifically in favor of stomach health. In addition to promoting a calming effect, the drink helps to treat problems such as gastritis. In addition, it acts on appetite control.

2. Good looking skin

Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, tea helps to promote the good appearance of the skin, keeping it clean and smooth. Also, it is a possible alternative treatment for acne, in addition to fighting free radicals and preventing wrinkles.

3. Fights fluid retention

Also, thanks to the diuretic action, it prevents fluid retention, that is, the excessive accumulation of fluids in the body, which causes the sensation of bloating and can give the impression that there has been weight gain.

4. Help in the treatment of diabetes

Not only, according to a study promoted by scientists at Adeleke University in Nigeria, it has proven that honeybush is effective in alleviating the effects of type 2 diabetes on the body. Therefore, the consumption of tea can be recommended for people diagnosed with the disease.

Where to buy honeybush tea

Tea can be made from the flowers, leaves or stems of the plant. The herb is readily available for sale at health food stores.

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