Blue Waffle Disease Symptoms Causes Is It Real

Blue Waffle Disease: Symptoms, Causes, Is It Real?

The blue waffle disease or blue waffle, is a term that has begun to spread on the Internet, referring to a sexually transmitted disease that affects only women and causes a blue or bluish-green color in the vagina.

Undoubtedly, this term though unfounded, caused panic, because neither the ICD-9 nor the ICD-10 – a collection of descriptions of all known diseases – covers this term or any similar description.

For this reason, it is more than a disease, a viral content that spreads on the Internet like a fire, but does not endanger anyone’s life. The phrase “blue waffle disease” came first in Google searches.


Is Blue Waffle A Real Disease Or A Fiction?

Blue Waffle Disease: Symptoms, Causes, Is It Real?

The blue waffle disease is a fiction, which has dominated the internet, in the United States. it is known as a quick-drying towel in which it is used to dry cars, but what it is is really quite different from what you can imagine.

According to a social media post, the Blue waffle is a disease that causes a very dirty condition in the vagina, in which there is a constant leakage of vaginal fluid, with which part of the vagina tears and cracks appear in the skin around the vagina.

If it was just until then, that’s ok, but the disease spreads to the anus causing a sensation of pain in the woman’s body.

In which many report being an unbearable pain, but calm down, don’t panic, this disease is more seen in prostitute women in which they do not protect themselves.

These are the main causes, and sex toys without proper hygiene can also cause this horrible disease.

Doctors define Blue waffle disease as an infected cake because the vagina turns green or blue.

For this reason and many others always use condoms, safe sex for everyone.

Moreover, the international medical community, especially gynecologists, has not reported a clinically substantiated case supporting the existence of this disease.

On the other hand, neither the ICD (International Classification of Diseases) nor the semiological texts describe such a being. There are no publications in serious scientific journals showing that this is a real disease.

In view of the above, the answer to whether it is a real disease, is a categorical NO.

General Symptoms Associated With Vaginal Infections

The most common symptoms of vaginal infections (not necessarily sexually transmitted diseases) are pathological vaginal discharge, pain during sexual intercourse, and in some cases, bad breath.

On the other hand, there are sexually transmitted infections such as HPV, syphilis, and gonorrhea, which are often asymptomatic and cannot be detected unless specific tests are performed.

As for vaginal discharge, the classic description covers three main types of discharge:

What Are The Symptoms Of Blue Waffle Disease?

At this point, it falls into the realm of speculation, because it is not well documented in any case, and what is explained is very well known, as the rules of clinical research are followed.

Therefore, determining a cause is almost an exercise in experimental estimates for a fictional nosological being.

The truth is that to date, there is no evidence that the vagina turns blue due to any type of infection.


However, it is not unreasonable to think that a woman may have bruises in the vagina and perineum due to trauma, very energetic sex, rape, or some kind of aggression in the genital area.

However, even if this were the case, it is hard to believe that an experienced doctor mistaken a bruise for a new infectious disease.


Genital warts are more likely to be stained with gentian violet, which explains this staining; However, once again we fall into the zone of speculation.


And the discharge? 40-50% of women have abnormal vaginal discharge, so it is not surprising that the suspected disease is associated with pathological vaginal discharge, although it is most likely associated with infections known as vaginal yeast infection; trichomoniasis or even bacterial vaginosis.


Depending on the characteristics of the vaginal discharge, a diagnostic approach can be taken to the etiologic agent:

White, Abnormal Discharge, Like Condensed Milk And Has No Odor

This discharge is usually a consequence of vaginal thrush. Candida is a fungus that lives in the vagina without causing discomfort, but under certain conditions it grows larger than normal and causes a fungal infection. In these cases, the cardinal symptom is the presence of abnormal discharge.

Dark Brown To Brown Flow, With The Smell Of Rotten Fish

This discharge is usually caused by an infection with a protozoan known as vaginal trichomonads, which causes an infection called trichomoniasis.

Ejaculation is generally very dull and the odor penetrates, sometimes associated with dyspareunia (pain during sex).

Sometimes cervical cancer can also cause dark discharge with traces of blood and a bad odor, although in these cases it does not penetrate further and does not recall the smell of rotten fish.

Yellow-green Discharge, Usually Itchy

These types of discharges are generally associated with polymicrobial bacterial infections (multiple causative agents).

This infection, once known as non-specific vaginosis and now known as bacterial vaginosis, is quite common. Although the nature of the flow is alarming, it does not pose a threat to the life of the affected person.

Blue Discharge 

If the vaginal mucosa is blue, there is no radical nosological entity that describes a discharge with such characteristics.

However, for some studies, it is not ruled out that some topical treatments, such as gentian violet or staining the vaginal mucosa with methylene blue, result in a blue discharge due to residual pigment.

As for caries, it is almost impossible for an untrained eye to confuse such a caries with another medical condition, especially since it has a cause-and-effect relationship with a previous traumatic event, making the diagnosis very simple.


As it is not a disease whose existence has been confirmed, there is no treatment to recommend.

However, it is recommended to consult a gynecologist regularly, as he should provide the necessary treatment according to clinical findings.

Use Of Barrier Contraceptives

On the other hand, it is recommended to prevent vaginal infections and sexually transmitted diseases using barrier methods (male or female condoms), especially if you have occasional sexual intercourse with strangers.

Gynecological Consultation

Importantly, cervical cancer, a real and potentially fatal disease, remains the second leading cause of death in many parts of the world. This should create a real alarm.

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For this reason, consultation with a gynecologist once or twice a year and cervical cytology examination is recommended for all women of childbearing age or having an active sex life.

By doing so, it will be possible to identify not only cases of cervical cancer, but also women at risk, which will help reduce deaths from this very real and dangerous disease, which is a cause for concern.


Is Blue Waffle a real Std? Well, I don’t need to say that on the internet we find everything, and any content, whether legal or illegal, as well as music, videos…

And even some bizarre diseases, and in a way it can be said that we take certain things that happen in our daily lives due to things we’ve seen on the internet.

Moreover, i don’t like seeing certain types of shocking things because I’m not ok, with that in my head for days, but I can assure you that certain things are very useful for everyday life.

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Blue Waffle Disease: Symptoms, Causes, Is It Real?

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