How To Get Rid Of Redness And Peeling Of The Skin On The Face

How To Get Rid Of Redness And Peeling Of The Skin On The Face?

How To Get Rid Of Redness And Peeling Of The Skin On The Face? Exfoliation is an extremely unpleasant cosmetic problem. It can occur at any age, in any skin type, both men and women, but is the most common.

Peeling appears on the surface of the face in the form of redness, itching and keratinized formations.

This occurs in a situation where the natural processes of keratinization and the rejection of dead epithelial cells are disrupted.

Keratinous formations of various shapes, thicknesses and in the occupied area can be seen on the surface of the face.

Peeling can be scaly, small or large layers and pityriasis. They are located locally or in foci.

How To Get Rid Of Red Inflamed Skin On Face? 

Keep on Reading to find out!

There are many causes of these skin manifestations, both external and internal. By understanding the cause, it is easier to find ways to treat and eliminate the defect.

There is no need to hope that problem areas can be masked with tonics and conditioners.

How To Get Rid Of Redness And Peeling Of The Skin On The Face?


What Are The Causes Of Skin Peeling?

There are many reasons for skin peeling and redness. To better understand the source of the problem and choose the most effective treatment for your skin, we will divide them according to external, internal and age characteristics.

External causes of the appearance of redness and keratinized formations on the face. The effects of an unfavorable environment: sharp temperature changes when moving from the building to the street in the cold season.

  • Stay in dry rooms for a long time.
    causes moisture loss and dryness of the skin.
  • Low quality cosmetics.
  • Alcohol-based cosmetics.
  • Use products that are not suitable for your skin type and cause a feeling of tightness and dryness.

To prevent the harmful effects of all these external factors, follow a few rules:

  • Depending on the season, take care of your skin every day: in summer and oily creams in frosty and windy weather.
  • Use only products that moisturize and nourish the epidermis well.
  • Thoroughly clean your face from dirt and makeup before going to bed.
  • Exfoliate your face and clean and nourish your homemade masks regularly.
  • Take mild cleansing gels and foams for washing and do not use alcohol-based soaps or lotions.
  • Make sure to wet your face after washing with disposable wipes, you can use paper.

Internal Causes Of Peeling:

  • Hormonal disorders in the body.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Skin damage (inflammation, cracks, wounds).
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Fungal diseases.
  • Taking certain medications.
  • An unbalanced diet.
  • Vitamin deficiency: A (retinol), B2 (riboflavin), B8 (inositol).

Talk to your doctor about the causes of facial peeling, choose the right and effective treatment.

If the cause is a specific skin disorder, antihistamines and external moisturizers are prescribed.

If a fungal or bacterial infection is found, antifungal medications are used.

If you want to cope with flaky skin, include in your diet foods and vitamins that will help balance the hormonal balance and prevent other internal diseases.

What To Do When Peeling:

Eat foods rich in provitamin A to prevent it: butter, chicken yolk, fish oil, carrots, green salad, peaches and apricots.

This vitamin is involved in the regulation of metabolic processes and the synthesis of hormones.

Rich in nutrients such as milk, liver, yeast, cheese, fish, almonds, peas, beans, nuts, vitamin B2 is no less important for healthy skin.

Riboflavin helps convert fats and carbohydrates into energy and is involved in metabolic processes.

With its deficiency, cracks and crusts may appear on the skin.

Inositol (vitamin B8) is extremely important for the body to prevent skin peeling. The body is provided with the following foods: brewer’s yeast, egg yolk, milk, kidneys, rice.

Age-related Causes Of Skin Peeling:

Skin problems in children can occur in response to all kinds of irritants: weather (frost, sun exposure, wind), vitamin deficiencies, reactions to care products and medications.

To prevent this, it is important to use baby creams and follow baby food and vitamins.
We talked about the reasons for women above, and it should be borne in mind that with age, women’s skin becomes drier, that is, more prone to thirst and peeling.

The way out: regular age-appropriate care, mandatory protection from weather factors and proper drinking regimen.

manifests itself less often because their skin structure is different from that of women.

However, if you use poor quality soap for washing and neglect facial care, problems will not be prevented.

We Treat To Peel The Skin

There are several pharmacy products that successfully save us from the shell. First of all, these are hydrocortisone ointments and creams.

The concentration of the active substance should not exceed 0.5%, and these drugs should be used in a limited way, not more than 2 weeks.

Pharmacy masks with aquafor (containing hydrocortisone) can also help you.

Please Note! Before you start fighting peeling, consult a specialist who will determine the true cause and advise you on how to fix the problem.

Panthenol cream (dexpanthenol 5%) helps to remove peeling well, its use can be quite long until the problem is eliminated.

Another cream is Bepanten, designed for baby skin and heals minor damage to the epidermis. Can be used to prevent skin problems

Another way of treatment: Salon

It is worth contacting a cosmetologist who will determine the cause of peeling and prescribe treatment and cosmetic procedures.

This is usually a course of vitamins and hydrocortisone ointments.

The following cosmetic procedures will help to peel:

  • Mesotherapy (hyaluronic acid injections);
  • Chemical peeling of the face;
  • Biorevitalization;
  • Intensive skin moisturizing courses.

Homemade Recipes for Redness and Peeling Of the Skin On The Face

How To Get Rid Of Redness And Peeling Of The Skin On The Face?

If peeling of the face is caused by external factors (dry skin type, weather factors, hard water, etc.), you can use recipes for homemade lotions, scrubs and masks.

These procedures and remedies will save you from this trouble, you just need to take care of your skin properly and regularly.

Attention! If your skin is flaky, stay away from products that contain alcohol and lanolin.

Alcohol dries the epidermis, and lanolin can cause allergies – then the peeling of the skin will intensify.

Folk recipes are probably the safest remedy for puffy skin.

These can be lotions, palms and nourishing masks made from natural ingredients with your own hands.

When peeling, it is important to carefully remove the scales from the surface.

For this, unlike many purchased, home-made scrubs are made that do not damage the skin.

Finely ground coffee grounds, oatmeal and tea leaves are often used for scrubs. It is useful to wipe the skin with a slice of apple, watermelon or fresh cucumber.

Cleansing The Skin With Bread And Milk

A very simple tool that gently cleanses, softens and moisturizes dead skin epithelium.

Take a slice of white bread and soak it in milk.

Apply this gruel on your face for 15-20 minutes, stick to the massage lines of the face in a circular motion and leave to soak for 15-20 minutes.

Rinse with cool water.

Cleansing The Skin With Honey

This simple procedure removes dead skin cells from the surface of the face.

Just mix the honey with water and soak your fingers in this solution, running a few times along the lines of facial massage.

Then wash your face with clean water and apply a moisturizer.

Facial Cleansing With Milk And Oil

In addition to cleansing the skin of scales formed on a very delicate scrub mask, it will nourish it with beneficial substances.

Boil 1 tablespoon of oatmeal in milk and add 1 teaspoon of olive (or butter) oil and honey to each.

Massage the mixture on your face and leave on the skin for 10 minutes.

Hercules Scrub Mask

This recipe uses raw, ground oatmeal. To prepare the mask, take 1 teaspoon each: rolled oats, olive oil, honey and egg yolk.

Mix everything well and apply on face with massage movements.

Leave the composition to soak for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Mint Compress

Weekly mint leaf compresses are very effective for irritated skin.

Perfectly cleanses & soothes skin, prevents acne

Take a bunch of fresh mint leaves, infuse in 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave under the lid for half an hour.

Then moisten the napkin with mint infusion and apply the compress on your face for 15 minutes. Wash your face with cool water.

Mint Lemon Cream

This cream perfectly nourishes dry skin with vitamins, especially if the skin is prone to peeling.

Prepare mint infusion from 1 tablespoon dry grass and ½ glass of boiling water.

Mix 1 tablespoon of the resulting infusion with 1 teaspoon of butter and half a teaspoon of lemon juice.

Apply in the evening instead of night cream.

Curd Mint Mask

This homemade mask recipe is good for nourishing and moisturizing prone skin.

Prepare mint infusion in advance, pour 1 tablespoon ½ glass of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes.

Beat fresh cottage cheese (2 tablespoons) with sour cream (1 teaspoon) and mix with mint infusion (2-3 tablespoons).

Apply the mint mask on the skin for 15 minutes.

Remove the remnants of the mask with a cotton swab and wash your face with the remaining infusion.

Linden Decoction For Exfoliation

With this composition it is necessary to moisturize a face with peeling skin 1-2 times a day for a week.

To prepare the broth, pour 1 teaspoon of linden flowers in a glass of boiling water and leave to boil in a water bath for 15 minutes.

Strain this broth and add 1 teaspoon of honey.

Moisturize your face and after 25-30 minutes wash your face with clean water.

Vegetable Peeling Masks

Vegetable masks are great for peeling skin. Suitable for potatoes, carrots, cucumbers.

Finely chopped vegetables are mixed in different combinations: carrots – with milk, potatoes – with egg yolk, cucumber – with kefir or sour cream.

The mask is applied on the face for 15-20 minutes, and after removal, be sure to use a moisturizer.

Flaxseed Mask

Flaxseed is an excellent skin care product for irritated and flaky skin.

Pour 2 tablespoons of flax seeds in 2 cups of cold water and cook until gruel is formed. Strain the broth and cool.

Apply on face for 20 minutes and then rinse with lukewarm water.

Pumpkin Mask

Prepare 1/3 cup pumpkin juice. Add 1 egg yolk, 1 tablespoon honey and 3 tablespoons oatmeal.

Beat everything well.

Apply the mask on your face for 15 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water.

St. John’s Wort Oil

The oil made from St. John’s wort treats the skin well.

To prepare it, pour 1 part of grass with 2 parts of vegetable oil and leave to infuse for 3 weeks in a dark place.

When the oil is ready, you can filter it with gauze and lubricate the problem skin.

Grape Mask

Foods that have antioxidant effects, such as grapes, are very good for the skin.

Crush 5 kernels and add 1 teaspoon of olive oil and 1 tablespoon of honey, mix everything and apply on the skin for 20 minutes.

Wash off the remnants of the mask with lukewarm water and lubricate your face with a nourishing cream.

Egg Butter Mask

Everyone knows the benefits of vegetable oils for skin health.

You can take sunflower, olive peach or almond oil for this procedure.

The face is first cleaned with a cotton swab soaked in one of the oils.

Then apply a layer of oil again. Then the egg yolk is rubbed into the skin, moisten your fingers with warm water and make circular massages.

Leave the resulting sour cream for 15-20 minutes. Remove with a cotton swab. To see more post on Beauty & Skin Care click here.

How To Get Rid Of Redness And Peeling Of The Skin On The Face?

Do You Usually Experience Redness And Peeling Of The Skin On The Face? Do You Really Notice An Improvement Using The Above Homemade Recipes? Comment Below!

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