What Is The Role Of Clear Watery Discharge During Pregnancy? Progesterone levels remain high in the first trimester of pregnancy.
This prevents the maturation of new eggs and keeps the embryo firmly in the uterus. Therefore, watery discharge does not occur.
At 12-13 weeks, the concentration of estrogen begins to increase, ensuring the formation of new fetal cells and the preparation of the woman’s body for childbirth (the condition of the cervical tissue changes, the plug of mucus disappears).
Occurrence of watery discharge in women in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy is natural if they are colorless, odorless, not accompanied by burning, itching.
At the end of pregnancy, a liquid, like water, appears because the mucus mixes with the urine. The uterus and fetus put pressure on the bladder, which is why they do not close completely.
When Watery Discharge During Pregnancy Is A Sign Of Pathology
Dangerous symptoms in women are:
- the appearance of watery discharge from the first weeks of pregnancy;
- the presence of an unpleasant odor (purulent, sour or suspicious);
- green, yellow, gray (indicates the presence of bacteria);
- brown or red discharge (signs of internal bleeding);
- skin irritation and itching in the perineum, burning in the vagina;
- sparkling or other unusual discharge structure;
- increase in temperature;
- pain in the lower abdomen.
These signs may indicate the appearance of inflammatory processes, infections with sexually transmitted infections. There is a risk of miscarriage or complications during childbirth, the likelihood of infecting the fetus while passing through the birth canal is high.
In Additional, If a woman does not have all these terrible signs, but the discharge, like water, has a yellow color and a sweet smell, it may indicate a leak of fluid from the fetal bladder.
This condition is dangerous in the middle of pregnancy, it becomes the cause of premature birth, fetal death. At the very end of pregnancy, a leak indicates the beginning of labor.
With Which Diseases Do Women Have Watery Discharge
The cause of watery discharge can be inflammation and infection of the genital tract, uterus and appendages.
Salpingo-oophoritis is an inflammatory process in the fallopian tubes and ovaries. As a result, the mucous membranes are damaged, healed and damaged, and tissue swelling occurs.
There is a narrowing of the lumen of the fallopian tubes, violation of their patency. It is difficult to catch the eggs and move them through the tubes into the uterus.
Fluid released in areas of inflammation accumulates in the uterine cavity and comes out in the form of abundant mucous secretion.
If the inflammation is not treated, it becomes chronic, and the discharge thickens, acquires a greenish-yellow color due to the addition of pus.
Bacterial vaginosis (Gardnerellosis). This disease is associated with the reproduction in the vagina of pathogenic microbes Gardnerell due to violation of the natural microflora.
The reason for the violation may be improper rinsing, change of sexual partners (unprotected sex), use of inappropriate contraceptives, use of antibiotics.
The inflammation further spreads to the uterus and appendages. A characteristic feature of Gardnerelle is a watery, often yellow discharge with a fishy odor.
Note: Gardnerella in moderation is usually present in women. Dysbacteriosis contributes to their increased reproduction.
Candidiasis (fungus) – a fungal infection of the vagina. Reproduction of fungi present in the microflora is caused by dysbiosis. This causes vaginitis (inflammation of the vaginal mucosa) or vulvovaginitis (concomitant damage to the outer part of the genitals).
In this case, the discharge from the woman may be cheesy-looking, sour-smelling. There is a strong burning sensation, genital swelling and general weakness. It becomes painful and frequent urination.
Symptoms And Treatment Of Thrush
Cervical erosion. The causes of erosion are diverse: inflammatory and infectious diseases, trauma to the neck during abortion and childbirth. Mucous secretions may have impurities in the blood. In the advanced stage they become mukupurulent.
Cervicitis. Inflammation of the cervix, often accompanied by erosion. There is a high risk of spreading the infection on the ascending pathway to the uterus and appendages.
Cervical cancer. Abundant discharge, fluid, like water, occurs due to the fact that lymph penetrates through damaged tissues.
Endometritis is a pathology associated with excessive proliferation of the inner lining of the uterus, its spread in the tube and even in the abdominal cavity.
This disrupts the processes related to ovarian function and hormone production. Watery discharge has traces of blood, an unpleasant odor. They intensify before menstruation, they appear immediately after them.
Sexually transmitted diseases (pathogens are sexually transmitted). These are: gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis and others. The discharge in the initial stage is copious, watery, with an unpleasant odor.
The consequences in women are extensive inflammatory processes with severe complications. Both sexual partners must be treated at the same time.
Watery Discharge From Women
The weakly acidic environment of the vagina and the natural microflora stop the formation of pathogenic microorganisms that arrive from the external environment.
Protection against the introduction of an infectious process into the uterus and ovaries is the mucus in the cervix.
In a healthy woman, mucus secretion is normal. Its type changes only at different stages of the menstrual cycle.
In certain situations, the occurrence of watery discharge in women is normal. However, in some forms, the cause of their occurrence are significant diseases, and the success of therapy depends on timely diagnosis.
What Is The Norm?
Discharge from the female genitalia is as natural as the secretion of saliva, sweat, tears and other fluids from the human body.
Usually their structure includes:
- Mucus produced by glandular cells of the cervical canal;
- Described dead cells of the vagina and cervix;
- Natural flora of the vagina, consisting of 6-10 species of microorganisms.
Healthy microflora is 95% represented by bacteria classified as lactic acid (lactobacilli, Dederlein sticks, etc.) – during bacteriological examination, the appearance of their colonies must exceed 10%.
At different stages of a woman’s life, the physiological characteristics of the regulation of the reproductive system can vary greatly. In general, the appearance of liquid discharge may be completely normal, less often it may indicate problems with a woman’s well-being.
The nature of the discharge depends on:
- Age period;
- Endocrine status;
- Presence or absence of sexual activity;
- Pregnancy, childbirth, abortion;
- Characteristic features of the vaginal microflora;
- Presence of concomitant diseases.
It is important to note that due to lactobacilli vaginal discharge often has a mild acid odor and a pH of 3.8-4.4.
Causes of odorless watery discharge can be:
- Update the uterine epithelium.
- Sexual arousal.
- Preparing for ovulation.
- During bathing, water penetrates the vagina.
- Increased blood flow before menstruation.
There is no cause for concern, but with prolonged watery discharge (more than 5 days), this symptom may be evidence of a violation in the body.
Heavy Discharge Of Fluid In Medium Cycle Water
In the middle phase of the menstrual cycle, liquid sticky secretions from the genitals may appear, including minor impurities in the blood, which causes the discharge to acquire a distinctive pink color.
The appearance of such secretions is allowed a few hours before ovulation, the onset of which can be monitored by measuring basal body temperature.
In terms of duration, vaginal fluid discharge can go in the middle of the menstrual cycle after ovulation for up to 2 days. In addition, minor pain in the ovarian region may occur in the background. If there is an unpleasant smell of discharge, then it is a violation.
Transparent Vaginal Discharge Like Water Before Menstruation
All women have different cycle times, but their symptoms are almost identical and depend on a particular stage, affecting the condition of the vaginal discharge.
Female hormones play a significant role. Directly predominant amounts of progesterone or estrogen cause secretion from the vagina to stand out with certain characteristic features.
In some forms, vaginal secretions literally flow and overflow.
This may be a warning of approaching critical days. The fact is that not all women notice monthly before menstruation.
Numerous discharges caused by the accumulation of a large volume of fluid, which spontaneously leaves the reproductive system over time, may be present without a particular color.
A similar amount of discharge causes increased blood flow to the uterus just before the critical days.
If the egg is not fertilized, the luteal phase occurs. It is characterized by water discharge before critical days.
Often a woman notices that in the morning the discharge comes out like water, and during the day the situation stabilizes.
A few days before the arrival of menstruation in the genital secretion, a small amount of blood veins can be noticed. If they have previously appeared pink, brown, brown fluid, they need treatment because they may be associated with pathologies in the body.
Instead, Copiously Watery Discharge From The Vagina After Menstruation
The follicular phase reports from the first days of menstruation. The report ends before ovulation and is determined by increased estrogen production.
Fluid or copious watery discharge on critical days has never been the norm, but after menstruation such discharge is still allowed. The following options are available:
1. If the critical days have changed color and consistency, then failure in the female body is not excluded. In addition, bleeding occurs, which causes the sanitary pad to fill very quickly (less than an hour). It is necessary to consult a gynecologist and get a test.
2. If a woman notices that she has a watery discharge instead of critical days, then an ultrasensitive test should be performed first to determine pregnancy.
If conception is excluded, then the causes of such secretions can be hormonal diseases, contraception or gynecological disorders.
Watery discharge after menstrual days is not pathological in the first two days. They are called postmenstrual, but if they are actually similar to water and do not last longer than two days, then a visit to a specialist should not be put on the shelf.
The norm for the critical period is considered to be undiluted blood with a small amount of mucus and clots, without a viscous and foul odor.
In first months of pregnancy, progesterone remains in high limits. This stops the maturation of other eggs and the fetus is firmly attached to the uterine wall. For this reason, watery discharge is usually lacking during pregnancy.
At 12-13 weeks of pregnancy there is an increase in the number of estrogens, which guarantee the formation of new fetal cells and prepare the female body for childbirth (there is a change in the state of the cervix, and the plug of the mucosa becomes liquefied).
The appearance of watery discharge in pregnant women in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters is natural if they do not have color or odor. Also, they should not be accompanied by itching and irritation.
At the end of pregnancy, discharge and fluid are emptied due to mixing of mucus in the urine. The uterus and baby begin to put pressure on the bladder, which is why they do not close completely.
In which cases is fluid discharge during pregnancy considered a violation:
- Occurrence of watery discharge from the first weeks of pregnancy;
- Presence of unpleasant aroma (fish, rot, sour smell);
- Green, gray, yellow (speaks of the presence of microbes);
- Brown or red vaginal discharge (symptoms of internal bleeding);
- Irritation, burning and itching of the skin in the perineum;
- Foamy or other unusual discharge texture;
- Increase in temperature;
- Pain in the lower abdomen.
These symptoms may indicate the appearance of inflammation, infection and infectious processes. Formed risk of miscarriage or complications at birth. There is also a high possibility of infecting a child when passing through the birth canal.
If there are no such dangerous symptoms, but the discharge is watery and has a yellowish color with a sweet odor, then this may indicate a fluid leak from the fetal bladder.
Is Watery Discharge During Pregnancy In Second Trimester Dangerous?
Yes. This condition is dangerous in the second trimester of pregnancy and can cause fetal death and premature birth. At the very end of the third trimester, in the last weeks of pregnancy, a leak may indicate the onset of labor.
Hormonal Drugs
Estrogen tablets, suppositories, patches, gels and creams can affect not only critical days but also daily vaginal discharge. By consistency, they may resemble liquid, almost always have no color, do not cause discomfort.
If the situation does not improve over time due to a strong discharge, and the daily dressing becomes wet for 30 minutes or less, then there is a reason to seek help from a specialist.
There is a possibility that contraceptives or other hormonal drugs simply do not fit and cause watery discharge from the vagina.
Transparent And White Discharge In Women In The Form Of Water
Clear odorless discharge is considered the norm if there are no other unpleasant signs in the background. The allocation must be uniform.
The presence of a white watery discharge without an unpleasant odor is characteristic of the second half of the cycle.
If you suddenly suspect an unpleasant odor of discharge, the reasons may be:
- The vulva.
- Chlamydia.
- Candidiasis.
- Bacterial vaginosis.
It is important to recall that due to the characteristic features of the vaginal environment, copious discharge without irritation is allowed, which give off a slightly sour odor.
If watery discharge from the vagina has additional features and unpleasant feelings, it indicates the appearance of a pathological course. The most likely diseases that are accompanied by this symptom are considered to be:
1. Vaginitis. A disease caused by the appearance of pathogens or bacteria in the vagina. As a rule, with a very pleasant sharp aroma. A woman may feel irritation or a burning sensation in the genital area. A large discharge, like water, formed in a large volume.
2. Ovarian Inflammation. It has a watery discharge white. The disease is accompanied by an increase in body temperature and general weakness of the body. An examination of the woman reveals an enlargement of the ovaries. Often their inflammatory process occurs due to severe hypothermia.
3. Inflammatory Process Of The Uterine Lining. It occurs due to the penetration of pathogenic viruses, bacteria and microbes into the fallopian tubes through the bloodstream, lymph and vagina. The woman has a fever, persistent abdominal pain, watery discharge with bloody impurities.
4. Thrush. The most common disease among women. There are many causes of candidiasis. It is especially common in women with weak immune systems and as a result of long-term use of antibiotics. Itching and watery discharge have a cheesy appearance.
5. Trichomoniasis And Other Sexually Transmitted Diseases. A characteristic feature of discharge in such diseases is the unpleasant smell of rotten fish.
It is worth paying attention! At the first unusual changes in the discharge, you need to contact a specialist.
With careful examination and the presence of the results of certain tests, he will establish a diagnostic conclusion and prescribe effective therapy.
The color of vaginal discharge may indirectly indicate a particular disease that has caused an increase in discharge.
As a rule, the smell and smell, for example, unpleasant, reminiscent of rotten fish, often speaks of a bacterial infectious process.
The pink color of vaginal discharge gives blood droplets that emanate from empty blood vessels. Pink discharge occurs after intense sexual contact, injury to the intimate organs, in the first months of the establishment of the intrauterine device and the use of hormonal contraception.
The root can be considered a pink discharge, which appears in the middle of the menstrual cycle.
They may indicate a probable formation:
- Cervical erosion;
- inflammation;
- hyperplasia;
- polyps;
- Ectopic pregnancy.
Pay attention! It is also necessary to schedule an appointment with a specialist if the appearance of pink discharge is combined with other characteristic signs – cycle failure, pain, discomfort.
Watery yellow discharge can be normal or abnormal:
In normal values, yellow mucus is explained by the characteristic features of the hormonal background and activity of the reproductive system.
As a rule, it is expressed just before the critical days or immediately after their end and indicates the presence of a small amount of blood in the mucus;
In abnormal cases, such discharge may be accompanied by colpitis, erosion, certain types of sexually transmitted diseases, adnexitis.
In addition to the shadow, this mucus is characterized by an unpleasant odor, swelling and itching of the genitals, pain in the lower abdomen.
In addition, yellow discharge can occur after miscarriage, surgery, childbirth, the development of cervical cancer and other organs, improper installation or prolonged wear of the intrauterine device.
The brown discharge from the vagina is colored in a similar shade due to the entry of a small amount of blood into the secretion. Often such a secret appears before the menstrual period on the first day of critical days, as well as after their completion within 2-3 days.
In the initial gestational age, such a discharge may indicate an association of the ovum or pathological formation of the fetus.
Pay attention! In the middle of the cycle, a small brown watery discharge is called ovulatory bleeding. They testify to the readiness of eggs for fertilization.
Watery discharge, which does not combine with other unpleasant symptoms and does not cause discomfort to the woman, does not require medical intervention.
However, in case of any unpleasant aroma, color change, increase in the amount of discharge, it is necessary to undergo an examination and begin to receive appropriate treatment.
Watery Vaginal Discharge During Menopause
During this period regular changes, including hormones. If certain diseases are not fully expressed, then in menopause there is a possibility that this will happen.
For this reason, it is necessary to regularly monitor the excretion, because they can alert a woman to the presence of a particular disease.
in normal values, menopause is characterized by watery white or clear discharges.
Is Clear Watery Discharge A Norm in Girls or Women?
There is always a clear discharge in the vagina. Mucus serves as a protective barrier, prevents bacteria and infections from penetrating deeper and reaches the uterus.
A clear or transparent watery discharge is considered the norm, if there are no impurities in the blood, there is no unpleasant odor.
Normally, the smell is slightly sour, but if it is strong, specific and at the same time, the mucus is yellow, green or with blood – this is not the norm.
Substantial discharge of mucus as fluid may be the norm in the following cases:
Puberty. Transparent vaginal secretion begins to appear at the age of 10. At this point, girls begin puberty. It lasts until the beginning of the first period. Abundant watery discharge without odor causes hormonal shocks.
They may be completely absent or become more abundant. Also, their appearance can change to mucous. This is also the norm. Moms need to know about it and explain it to the younger lady.
Ovulation. Ovulation is a short phase of the menstrual cycle during which conception occurs. It lasts about 3-4 days, sometimes less. For some women, this interval is 48 hours. The ovulation phase is between the follicular and the luteal.
In the middle of the cycle, copious watery discharge in women, like water, may indicate the beginning of this phase. Vaginal discharge can also be sticky, with a light mixture of blood, so many secretions get a slightly pinkish tinge.
They can also be gelatinous, egg white-like. Such vaginal secretions appear a few days before the beginning of the ovulation phase and can last until its end and can end, and then continue after the end of RP. That is, it is considered the norm and you should not panic.
The period a month ago. Abundant vaginal discharge may begin before menstruation begins. The reason for this is the activity of the endometrial lining of the uterus, in which the processes of blood circulation begin to intensify and fluid accumulates. On the day of the vagina can infuse up to 1 tsp. transparent secretions, if there are more – it is a pathology.
There should be no vaginal secretions during pregnancy. However, around the 13th week of pregnancy there may be a discharge. This is due to a sharp jump in progesterone in the blood. They don’t last long, so you don’t have to worry about anything. This is a normal physiological process.
Sexual arousal is another reason for normal vaginal discharge that resembles water. They stop after a few hours. This is also a normal condition. The secretions serve as a lubricant so that the male sexual organ slides freely during intimacy and does not traumatize the female’s internal genitalia.
The climax. The menopausal period is also no exception. At this point, vaginal secretions, like water, may occur due to changes in hormonal background.
Abundant water discharge does not last more than 5 days. If vaginal discharge lasts longer than the specified period, a consultation with a gynecologist is required. Most likely, a woman will find an inflammatory process, the cause of which the doctor must recognize.
Also, the reason for the discharge, similar to water, may be a lack of regular sex life, the use of contraceptives and the use of antibacterial drugs. In addition, climate change affects reproductive function.
Watery discharge from women and abundance may indicate the presence of pathology. But when are they a symptom of the disease?
The inflammatory process is the first reason why the abundant secretion of vaginal secretions begins. Maybe it started in the fallopian tubes and ovaries or in the lining of the uterus. In any case, it is necessary to find out where the inflammation is localized.
Cervical erosion. Abundant discharge, reminiscent of water, if reopened. But that is only the primary sign of this disease. If the discharge lasts more than 5 days, it is worth worrying and see a doctor. After 2 weeks their character may change and an unpleasant odor will appear.
Another cause of this symptom is vaginal dysbiosis. You must not lose sight of it, it is better to conduct a differential diagnosis and get a smear. After all, dysbacteriosis can be confused with some pathologies.
Simultaneously with watery discharge, itching and burning occur during sex, the smell is suspicious, indicating the progression of the disease.
This symptom accompanies some bacterial venereal pathologies in the initial phase. For example, gonorrhea or chlamydia. An infectious lesion of the female reproductive system can also be the cause.
When Watery Discharge From Women Is The Norm, And When A Sign Of Illness
Excessive watery discharge in women can cause great discomfort to their owners: underwear gets wet quickly, and you must constantly use daily pillows to feel fresh. What does such increased humidity indicate and what to do if you notice it in your room? Often, the appearance of watery discharge in women, like water, is a variant of the absolute norm. But sometimes this symptom can speak of pathological changes in the body.
Physiology: What Is The Norm And What Is Not?
Discharge from a woman’s genital tract is just as natural as the secretion of saliva, sweat, tears and other body fluids. They usually include:
- mucus produced by glandular cells of the cervical canal;
- desquamated dead epithelial cells of the vagina and cervical canal;
- Natural flora of the vagina, consisting of 6-10 species of microbes.
The microflora of healthy women is 95% represented by bacteria classified as lactic acid bacteria (Dederlein rods, lactobacilli) – during bacteriological examination the content of their colonies should be greater than 10 7.
In smaller quantities are diagnosed streptococci, enterobacteria, bacteria, fungi. Conditionally pathogenic flora (ureaplasma, mycoplasma, gardnerella) is not found in the body of a healthy woman or is sown in minimal quantities – less than 10⁴.
In different stages of the life of the weaker sex, the physiological features of the regulation of the reproductive system vary greatly. In most cases, the appearance of liquid discharge in women can be completely normal, less often – indicates health problems. The nature of the secretion secreted depends on:
- age;
- endocrine status;
- presence / absence of sexual activity;
- the presence of pregnancies, births, abortions in history;
- characteristics of the vaginal microflora;
- the presence of concomitant diseases.
Pay attention! Due to lactobacilli, vaginal secretions often have a slightly acidic odor and a pH between 3.8-4.4.
In Girls and In Adult Women
In Girls
Before puberty, that is, at the age of 10-14 years, the girl has virtually no discharge from the vagina. This is due to the peculiarities of the anatomy and physiology of the external and internal genital organs, as well as consistently low hormone levels at this age: why go to excretion from a system that is in an immature, “sleeping” state?
Wet panties in girls, which are not associated with urinary incontinence – a reason to show it to a pediatric gynecologist. The reasons for the abundant discharge up to 10-12 years, are associated with a lack of reproductive or digestive and urinary system, located close to each other.
A thin liquid like water that a girl may notice for the first time a year before menarche (first menstruation). This phenomenon is absolutely normal and is associated with active hormonal changes: the body prepares for puberty.
Additional signs of changes in the reproductive system include swelling of the mammary glands, growth of hair in the groin and armpits.
Normally, the mucous or watery vaginal discharge at this time is transparent or has a white tone and almost no odors (a slight sour smell is possible).
In Adult Women
When the reproductive system functions like a clock, it is normal for normal vaginal discharge to change depending on the day of the cycle:
The first stage (1-12 days from the beginning of menstruation) – not large (1-2 ml per day), mucous membranes or fluids, such as water. They have a homogeneous consistency, but a small presence of mucosa (1-2 mm) is acceptable.
The transparency of their high color varies from whitish to creamy. They are practically odorless and do not cause discomfort (itching, burning, irritation of the skin and mucous membranes).
During ovulation (the menstrual cycle reaches its middle at the same time), the volume of secreted fluid increases to 4-5 ml per day. Due to the presence of cervical (cervical) mucus become thick, viscous and viscous, sometimes getting a beige tone.
The second phase (14-28 days) is characterized by a decrease in mucus volume compared to the ovulation period. The transparent or white discharge becomes watery again, but their number is small. A brown discharge at the end of a cycle usually indicates that menstruation will occur in a few hours.
Pay attention! The distribution before menstruation is becoming more abundant. They may be accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen: this is due to the contraction of the uterus expelling blood clots.
The end of menstrual function and menopause is characterized by a progressive decrease in discharge volume. Their composition also changes: as in childhood, the vaginal microflora of older women is represented mainly by coca microorganisms (streptococci, staphylococci).
A rich discharge from the genital tract during this period is a sign of possible hormonal disorders or organic lesions of the reproductive organs. Which can affect the nature of vaginal secretions.
There are a number of factors that affect the female reproductive system and change the nature of vaginal discharge.
The physiological reasons for the abundant discharge of fluid from the genital tract or, conversely, almost complete absence, can be very different.
The first sexual experience is associated not only with a new phase in a woman’s life, but also with the colonization of the vaginal mucosa with new flora – foreign, albeit non-pathogenic microorganisms.
Therefore, the onset of sexual activity is accompanied by a change in the nature of vaginal discharge: a heavy discharge of 3 to 10 days (sometimes more) is considered absolutely normal.
For the same reason, odorless discharge can be after sex with a new partner – this is the way the female urogenital system responds to changes in the microflora. In addition, frequent changes of sexual partners – a factor that causes the development of vaginal dysbiosis and sexually transmitted diseases.
In fact sexual intercourse can also cause high humidity. Every woman has noticed that the nature of natural secretions changes after intimacy. Sex without a condom is accompanied by the appearance of white or yellowish clots immediately after intercourse.
After 6-8 hours, they dissolve, become liquid and more abundant. Discharges in the form of water can last for several hours (up to 5-6). In the case of sexual intercourse with the use of barrier methods of contraception, whitish or yellowish mucus is released from the genital tract – the remnants of vaginal lubrication.
Another reason for fluid discharge is the use of hormonal contraception. The mechanism of action of birth control pills is based on drug suppression in the ovulation process. In fact, a woman’s reproductive system is dormant during admission, so the volume of vaginal secretions is reduced.
Normally, the work of the reproductive system should not cause the slightest discomfort in a woman. If the supposedly normal nature of the discharge is accompanied by a burning sensation, itching in the vulva or severe pain – see a doctor.
Features During Pregnancy And The Postpartum Period
Particular attention should be paid to the description of changes in vaginal discharge during childbirth.
From the first weeks of pregnancy, a woman may notice an increase in the volume of mucus and fluid released from the genital tract.
The causes of this physiological phenomenon are the increased blood supply to the internal and external genitalia, the increase in the volume of circulating blood and the active hormonal change in the body.
A rich discharge during pregnancy should not have a strong odor and cause discomfort. To make the woman feel more comfortable, you can use panties, changing them as you get wet.
A sharp increase in the amount of fluid released in II-III. The trimester should warn the pregnant woman: it may be a sign of amniotic fluid leakage. The amount of physiological secretions should not exceed 5-7 ml.
The appearance of a large clot consisting of mucus and traces of blood (sometimes looking like a copious brown discharge) is a sign of a floating discharge and one of the precursors of childbirth. Thus the cervix is cleansed and prepared for opening.
After childbirth (usually 3-7 weeks) a woman begins to have lochia – a physiological secretion, which includes a large amount of mucus, blood and dead uterine cells.
There is a tendency to reduce their number: in the first days red or brown discharges resemble rich periods, later they clear up and become similar to a white egg. By the end of 5-8 weeks, copious clear discharge takes on the usual pregenerative character.
A Sign Of Possible Pathology
In some cases, very copious fluid discharge can become a symptom of a woman’s urinary tract disease or hormonal disorder. Popular causes of wet laundry are described below.
Sometimes the appearance of pathological fluid from the genital tract is associated with a banal violation of the rules of personal hygiene:
- lack of regular (2 times a day) washing;
- mucosal irritation with improperly selected means of intimate hygiene;
- allergic reaction to the ingredients of the daily pad that impregnate soap;
- constant wearing of tight synthetic underwear;
- a foreign body accidentally inserted into the vagina (sand on the beach, a piece of toilet paper).
Pay attention! Gynecologists recommend the use of comfortable cotton underwear for everyday wear. It should be washed twice a day with a soft, neutral pH hygiene product. Vaginal rinsing should be done only according to the doctor’s instructions – this is not a procedure for daily care.
If watery discharge from the vagina due to violation of personal hygiene, it is enough to change the care of the urinary organs, and everything normalizes in 5-7 days.
In some cases, fluid from the genital tract indicates health problems. Why there is a pathological discharge of fluid – consider the most common diseases.
Bacterial Vaginosis
Bacterial vaginosis (gardnerellosis, vaginal dysbacteriosis) is a common pathology of the female genitalia. It is accompanied by a decrease in the share of lactobacilli in the vaginal microflora and an increase in conditionally pathogenic microbes (primarily Gardnerella vaginalis).
Risk factors for vaginal dysbiosis include:
- frequent rinsing;
- use of contraceptives for barriers (condoms, suppositories) treated with 9-nonoxynol;
- long-term antibiotic therapy;
- frequent change of sexual partners.
The nature of the discharge with Gardnerelle varies slightly: they become a little more abundant and fluid, have a uniform texture and a dirty grayish color, usually do not stain the underwear.
Their main feature is the unpleasant smell of rotten fish, associated with the release of volatile amines by microbes. It can increase after a working day, during which it was not possible to have a shower, sexual contact.
Pay attention! Bacterial vaginosis should not be considered a sexually transmitted disease. A certain portion of Gardnerell exists in the vagina of almost every healthy woman. The development of the disease is associated with pathological activation of these microorganisms.
Inflammation Of The Appendages
Salpingo-oophoritis in medicine is called acute or chronic inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes. It is caused by various pathogenic microorganisms, including gonococci, staphylococci, E. coli, chlamydia, mycoplasmas.
The secretions in inflammatory lesions of the appendages of the uterus are liquid, mucous or mucopurulent, may have an unpleasant odor. Vaginal excretion takes place without hormone fluctuations and cycle phases.
In addition, the disease is accompanied by the appearance of the following symptoms:
- groin pain, aggravated by hypothermia, before and after menstruation, radiation to the sacrum;
- menstrual cycle instability;
- signs of general intoxication – headache, weakness, pain throughout the body, feeling weak;
- increase in body temperature.
- infertility (once).
Other Genital Diseases
Endometritis – inflammation of the inner wall of the uterus – a disease associated with damage to the endometrium during the uterus, diagnostic gynecological examination (curettage), abortion, difficult natural childbirth.
When endometritis from the genital tract secretes an abundance of liquid exudative (usually purulent) character with streaks of blood and purulent “meaty” odor. In addition, the disease is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, fever and general manifestations of poisoning.
The appearance of watery (less mucous) bad smell of vaginal discharge is possible in pathologies of the cervix:
- The appearance of abundant mucosa (sometimes mixed with blood) from the genital tract during cervical erosion is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, discomfort during intercourse. The disease is a dangerous tendency to spread and the ability of malignancy (malignancy).
Like erosion, cervicitis is characterized by an increase in the amount of fluid secreted from the genital tract. This disease is accompanied by severe symptoms of intoxication.
Watery discharge from women is not always a sign of pathology, even if their number is relatively large.
If they do not cause severe discomfort, almost no odor, and are not accompanied by painful feelings and manifestations of intoxication, they are most likely a manifestation of a normal menstrual cycle.
However, any questions and doubts regarding sexual intercourse regarding her reproductive health should be discussed with a specialist.
It should be addressed if, in addition to secretions, pathological signs (pain, itching, tingling, fever), as well as a drastic change (increase or extinction) of vaginal secretions.
- Strong fluid leakage. Watery discharge from the vagina: possible causes. The appearance of any discharge from the vagina should alert every woman, because they are often the first sign of a pathological process that occurs, for example, in the reproductive system or in the body as a whole.
Understanding whether leaks are emerging, or relate to natural processes associated with the phase of the menstrual cycle, will help the expert, the attraction of which should be timely.
The doctor will, after reviewing and reviewing the tests, make a conclusion about the need for treatment or the implementation of preventive procedures.
When Are Watery Discharges Considered Normal?
So, there are several moments when such manifestations are considered completely normal and understandable, among them:
1. Puberty. Thus, in girls, at the age of about 10-12 years at the onset of puberty, transparent leaks can be very abundant. This is due to the gradual involvement of the ovaries in labor. With the onset of menstrual function, they become permanent, and wealth varies with the phase of the cycle.
2. Ovulation is approaching. Aqueous discharge usually occurs 1-2 days before ovulation and directly on day “X”, which, by the way, can be an additional signal of possible conception for those who want to get pregnant.
3. Phase of the menstrual cycle. Not only on the day of ovulation, on the clothes you can notice some stains of clear liquid, as a rule, constantly accompanies the woman.
Thus in the first phase of the menstrual cycle (before ovulation) the mucus is thick enough so that the discharge is sparse and sparse. Otherwise, mucus is a protective function and prevents the penetration of sperm and pathological microorganisms into the uterus.
On the eve of ovulation, the mucus is liquefied with progesterone, and you can find abundant water stains on the laundry.
In the second phase of the cycle, usually a few days before the start of menstruation, the nature of the mucus also changes. Elevated progesterone levels contribute to the preparation of the uterine lining for egg implantation (blood circulation in the endometrium increases and fluid accumulates).
When Water Discharge Is Not Normal?
If watery discharge causes discomfort in the form of unpleasant odor, burning and itching, pain occurs when urinating or during intercourse you should consult a specialist because they are now one of the main symptoms of the presence of a pathological process in the body.
Among the most common diseases characterized by watery leaks with an unpleasant odor and unpleasant sensations are:
- Salpingo-oophoritis is an inflammation of the fallopian tubes and ovaries. As a result, a large amount of mucus with unpleasant odors is released.
If timely treatment is not received, the disease can progress and the clear fluid will turn into a state of thick and purulent masses.
- Endometritis is a chronic inflammation of the uterus, which is fraught with disturbed biochemical processes in the mucosa, leading to abundant secretion of mucus, which is accompanied by an unpleasant odor and often contains blood clots.
Cervical diseases can also manifest as copious transparent masses mixed with blood and severe pain in the lower abdomen.
- Bacterial vaginosis (dysbacteriosis) is characterized not only by the appearance of transparent water masses, but also by the unpleasant smell of rotten fish.
With such a diagnosis, sexual intercourse is accompanied by itching and stinging, and hyperemia may occur on the external genitalia.
Water leaks are not only dangerous if they do not cause discomfort and odor. In the presence of such symptoms, an immediate appeal to a doctor is necessary, because the acquisition of thick and yellow or other shades of the mass indicates that the disease has progressed to a severe form, which is very dangerous for a woman.
Maybe there is no such woman or girl who would not care about the problem of her vaginal discharge.
This problem becomes especially important after the onset of sexual activity, because vaginal discharge can be a symptom of the disease.
As a rule, normal discharge has no color and unpleasant odor, is not accompanied by itching or other unpleasant sensations.
Their number usually varies quite widely, increasing during the period of ovulation or sexual arousal.
However, the appearance of purulent, foamy or cheesy discharge from the vagina and cervix can cause an immediate visit to the doctor.
Watery Discharge From Odorless Women
The norm for a healthy vagina and uterus is a watery discharge from odorless and colorless women. They testify to the health of the sexual sphere. Vaginal discharge should be:
- transparent, consistency – mucous or gelatinous;
- odorless or with a light and pleasant odor;
- do not irritate the skin and mucous membranes;
- not accompanied by pain, fever, discomfort.
They can signal the onset of premature labor or miscarriage.
If the amount of secreted fluid increases and gets a brown tint, then it is most likely a slight bleeding from the blood vessels. In such a situation, it is worth contacting a doctor as soon as possible.
Thus, in most cases, moderate watery discharge of odorless women is the norm and does not pose a health hazard. In other cases it is necessary to apply for a consultation with a doctor. Bless you!
Women of childbearing potential often have gynecological problems. Occasionally there is profuse discharge of transparent color without odor and itching in women of reproductive age.
They usually occur in some girls, but in small amounts. This physiological process can occur before menstruation, during ovulation.
Causes Of Running Water Discharges
There are various processes in the body that can affect the emergence of a large number of children. This may be a physiological feature, recent medications, antibiotics, or a bacterial infection.
Among the most common factors, due to which there is abundant discharge, can be identified:
- taking antibacterial drugs;
- physiological process before sexual intercourse;
- menopause;
- ovulation;
- taking oral contraceptives;
- tablets.
The hormonal background of a woman, her age can affect the change of secreted secretion. Even climate change can affect the state of secretions.
Experts believe that in normal women they can have transparent whites without odor and itching. However, if it is green and appears, it is usually associated with a bacterial infection. In this case, in the intimate area there is discomfort, constant itching.
Therefore, it is important that not only transparent discharge is treated. It is necessary to conduct an examination, pass tests. This will establish why the discharge is copious and proper.
Watery Discharge Before Period
Very often, watery discharge appears before period. During this period, the cervix secretes a large amount of mucus. Therefore, in this case, a liquid discharge like water before period does not require additional treatment.
Depending on the age and regularity of the menstrual cycle, mucus from the vagina can appear at different times. The standard cycle includes:
- 3-5 days before menstruation, clear or white mucus may appear that thickens as it approaches the cycle.
- In the period after the end of menstruation to 11 – 12. On the day of the cycle, normal discharge is minimally semi-liquid, odorless.
- Transparent or light secretions may appear in the middle of the cycle. This is due to the occurrence of ovulation, when there is a favorable period for conception.
If the secretion is excessively thick and abundant, it can be the cause of hormonal failure. It is usually seen in women after 45-50 years of age during menopause.
But if the mucus affects the sex life, creates a feeling of discomfort, then it is necessary to consult a gynecologist. It is important to remember that in girls such discharge is not considered the norm.
Treatment Of Clear Discharge
First of all, it is important to adhere to preventive measures to prevent fungal infection. Hygiene standards must be observed at all times. Enough for this:
- wear cotton underwear and avoid synthetic fabrics;
- daily pads will reduce the risk of bacterial infection;
- daily rinsing will not allow the development of pathogenic microbes.
There are popular recipes for improving the vaginal microflora. Herbal decorations are usually used for washing, rinsing or medical tampons.
Of the plants it is useful to use:
To reduce the inflammatory process in the vagina, baking soda should be used. Dissolve in boiled warm water (1 hl per 200 ml of liquid). The solution is used for rinsing to reduce heavy discharge.
Your doctor may prescribe tablets or suppositories with antibacterial, antimicrobial effect. Such drugs are usually prescribed for candidiasis or other fungal infections. Unnecessary naming is not recommended, as aqueous discharge cannot be associated with fungi.
Candles can be awarded as:
Vaginal suppositories should be used for 5-7 days. An appropriate regimen with copious mucosal secretions will help in selecting a qualified specialist after the survey.
For everyday hygiene, you can choose a special consistency with a neutral pH or ordinary baby soap. Do not choose seals and other flavored products. They can affect the occurrence of an allergic reaction.
In order to adjust the internal processes in the body, it is recommended to take multivitamin complexes and adhere to a regular physical regime.
Abundant discharge of clear color without odor and itching should not cause discomfort. If they are too thick, then it is necessary to donate blood to the level of hormones in the blood.
In case of disturbance of estrogen and testosterone levels, the doctor may prescribe hormonal drugs to normalize the indicators.
Vaginal discharge in women can be of different natures – it can be sparse, rich, red, yellow, green, with or without odor.
But most often patients report complaints of white vaginal discharge. Should I worry when they show up? And what pathological conditions can indicate white discharge in women?
The inner surface of the vagina, uterus and other organs of the reproductive system is lined with mucus, on which are located the glands that produce mucus.
This allows you to clean the cavities of the vagina from dead cells, menstrual blood, pathogenic microorganisms and ensures the maintenance of normal microflora.
Depending on the state of the microflora, the work of the reproductive organs and many other factors, every woman or young girl can regularly notice the choice on her panties, of a different nature.
And most often they have a white discharge from the vagina. This is due to several reasons – physiological and pathological.
What Is The Norm?
Vaginal mucus should usually be clear, like water, with no specific odor and stand out in small amounts. Distributions on white underpants indicate slight deviations from the norm, which may indicate the development of serious pathologies and some disorders in the functioning of the body.
Thus, for example, white mucus from the vagina is most often disturbed by young girls who have only hormonal background formation.
In older women, its appearance may be related to the restructuring of the hormonal background due to the onset of menopause.
But in women aged 20-45 years, this is observed very rarely, since all these processes are in a stable phase.
In addition, if a woman is taking oral contraceptives, then she may notice a similar distribution on her panties. Their appearance is caused by hormones found in tablets and they are the norm, but only if there are no other symptoms.
In the absence of infections, inflammation and other pathological processes, vaginal discharge:
- It is not accompanied by discomfort in the groin area.
- Transparent and only on certain days of the cycle yellow or white shades.
- Watery, and at the time of ovulation they acquire mucosa and stretching, like bales, consistency.
- During the day, they stand out in large quantities and are invisible to women.
However, it should be noted that mucous membranes and clear dischages can sometimes be allocated in very large quantities, without having anything to do with pathologies. This phenomenon can be observed:
- With sexual arousal.
- 2-3 days before the start of menstruation.
- During the day after sex.
It should be noted that after entering sexual intercourse, in which contraceptives (condoms) were not used, the discharge of the mucous membrane from the vagina can be monitored for another day.
In this case, they may contain white bumps or whitish streaks, which is also the norm. Thus the body releases the remnants of sperm.
Allocation on the 20th day of the cycle is also considered normal. They are usually the forerunners of the beginning of menstruation. In this case, 3-4 days before menstruation, they can be abundant and even contain bloodlines. This is followed by a bloody discharge (monthly).
During the period of ovulation onset (occurs on days 12-16 of the cycle), there are also watery discharges in women. These days, most are oriented in their cycle and single out the most dangerous periods when the risk of pregnancy during unprotected sex increases several times.
It should be noted that the presence of white discharge from the vagina is considered normal if they are not accompanied by severe symptoms.
That is, they do not cause itching, burning in the perineal area, irritation or a feeling of dampness.
They do not have a pungent odor and practically do not bother a woman. In all other cases, white mucous secretions are pathological and require urgent treatment.
As you can see, the reasons for the appearance of white discharge in women are not so small. And in order to determine them exactly, you will have to pass several tests at the clinic and undergo an examination by a gynecologist.
No Symptoms
Very often women and young girls are heard: the appearance of white discharge, but not because of the thrush, is this normal? Vaginal discharge, which has a white color, is simply called white.
They occur occasionally in all women and young girls and are natural. As mentioned above, they provide cleansing of the vaginal walls from dead cells.
Female leucorrhoea also contains a secretion secreted by the cervix, so their daily volume increases during ovulation, and they change their consistency – the discharge in the middle of the cycle becomes stretched and slimy. They can go for a few days or be observed daily in very small quantities.
However, they are not accompanied by any unpleasant symptoms in the form of itching and burning, and also do not cause pain.
And if we summarize the small results, then it should be said that a woman can notice abundant secretions in her panties of non-pathological nature in only a few cases – with the onset of menstruation or ovulation.
They can also occur as a result of changes in hormone levels, when taking oral contraceptives or pH disorder (acid-base balance) in the vagina.
With A Sour Smell
What does a white discharge with a sour smell mean? Their appearance in 90% of cases is caused by the violation of the pH of the vagina and the active reproduction of fungi of the genus Candida.
They cause the development of such diseases as candidiasis. In ordinary people it is called a thrush.
It is accompanied by the presence of secretions in the form of white nodules or cottage cheese. But regardless of their consistency, the following symptoms are always present:
- There is a sour smell on the lips.
- The skin is irritated, red.
- A white or beige patina appears on the lips of the genitals.
- There is a feeling of moisture in the crotch.
- Itching and burning.
In rare cases, thrush occurs without serious symptoms, ie. No discomfort or itching. But discharge in the form of white flakes (thick, cheesy pieces can also be noticed) or discharge like sour cream is always present. The development of candidiasis can be triggered by various factors. The most common are:
- Frequent change of sexual partners, resulting in changes in the vaginal microflora.
- Acceptance of oral contraceptives or antibiotics.
- Pathologies associated with hormonal disorders.
- Frequent stress.
- Climate change.
- Drinking alcohol.
- Disregard for personal hygiene.
- Use of intimate hygiene products with high alkali content, etc.
In addition, the appearance of white bumps can cause rainfall and improper diet. If a woman or a girl eats a lot of flour, in the preparation of which yeast or sweets are used, it can also lead to the development of candidiasis, even for those girls who are not yet sexually active.
If a woman has a white discharge with a sour smell and is accompanied by discomfort in the perineum, then she should definitely visit a gynecologist and undergo a complete treatment.
At the same time, her sexual partner must also undergo treatment (if there is a thrush, there may be white flakes on the sexual partner’s head).
Since the treatment will be only a woman, then she will be able to get rid of this disease, because her Candida fungi will be transmitted to any sexual contact, after which the symptoms of thrush will reappear again and again.
And how to treat it, the doctor decides, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.
With A Rotten Smell
If a woman notices underwear in her ejaculation, from which the smell of rotten fish comes, it indicates the development of such a disease as gardnerellez. It is also called bacterial vaginosis.
The overall clinical picture resulting from this disease is similar to that of thrush. But only then does white fluid flow out of the vagina, like milk or sour cream.
Blood secretions are also possible, but can rarely be seen in bacterial vaginosis.
The secreted fluid from the vagina with gardnerellezhe also causes redness and swelling of the lips, the appearance of burning and itching.
However, if the manifestations of thrush in men and women are almost the same, then with this disease and men there is only one symptom – burning during urination.
Gardnerellosis mainly develops as a result of:
- Frequent singing.
- Lubricant application.
- Promiscuous sex life.
- Long-term use of antibacterial drugs.
- Use of vaginal suppositories such as T. and Poliginax.
What To Do If There Are Signs Of Gardnerella?
Of course, go to the doctor and start treatment immediately. At the same time, remember that both sexual partners need treatment at once.
White sparkling discharge from women is a sign of sexually transmitted diseases. And most often this symptom manifests trichomoniasis.
As a rule, during the examination, this disease is immediately detected in both sexual partners. At the same time, in men, trichomoniasis is almost asymptomatic.
Sometimes they may experience mild pain when urinating. In women, this disease always has pronounced symptoms.
The main symptom, of course, is a strong clear or opaque vaginal discharge. They do not have to be white, most often yellowish or greenish in color. At the same time clots or streaks of blood may be marked in the discharge. All this is complemented by symptoms such as:
- Hyperemia of the genital lips (they become bluish, swollen, itchy and itchy).
- Painful feelings during intercourse (by the way, with trichomoniasis, yellowish or white discharge after sexual intercourse are very pronounced).
- Discomfort in the lower abdomen.
- Cough when urinating.
However, it should be noted that sparkling milk secretion can also occur due to:
- Weakened immunity, when the body cannot fight pathogenic microorganisms on its own.
- Long-term use of antibiotics.
- Development of diabetes.
- Receiving oral contraceptives.
- Disregard for personal hygiene.
- Microtrauma of the vagina.
If a white discharge appears in the second phase of the cycle, it may be a symptom of pregnancy. Very often, the woman herself does not know about her “position” and is waiting for the beginning of menstruation.
But instead, there is a lot of viscous dull discharge and no menstruation. In this case, it is caused by hormonal changes in the body.
When pregnancy occurs, the appearance of whitish discharge at the end of the cycle is a natural phenomenon.
They do not smell and do not contain whitish or bloody streaks. If on the 20th day of the cycle a woman marks gelatinous secretions that accompany unpleasant symptoms, see a doctor immediately. Especially if she already knows she will soon become a mother.
Their appearance may indicate the development of an infection, and blood discharge indicates separation of the placenta and may indicate a miscarriage.
Instead Of Menstruation
The presence of white discharge with monthly doctors is caused by the following reasons:
- Beginning of pregnancy.
- Hormonal disorders during the development of endocrine diseases.
- Frequent stress.
- Development of infection or inflammation.
Sometimes women have a thick mass with white lumps from the vagina, with traces of blood during the period when menstruation should begin. Such discharge during menstruation is often a symptom of cervical erosion.
Female discharge in the middle of the cycle, at the end or at the beginning of the stretching consistency is the absolute norm and therefore they do not need special treatment.
But if a woman in the literal sense of the word comes out of the vagina white mucus on the day of the 19th cycle or twentieth, while she has an unpleasant odor and causes severe discomfort, you need to go to the hospital.
Why there were discharges from a woman’s vagina and how to treat them, the doctor can only say. He will take all the necessary tests and prescribe the appropriate treatment based on them.
Remember! In no case do not treat yourself. White and transparent discharge at the end of the cycle or at the beginning of the cycle is absolutely normal. Carry out various rinses with herbs or antiseptic solutions that do not pay off, because it can only worsen the situation.
Each person has their own scent, which is normal, but when the “aroma” becomes unpleasant, it’s worth being careful.
Especially if the bad smell comes from the vagina. And not only does the itchy and unpleasant smell from the vagina not drop the girl
Patent holders RU 2464946: The invention relates to medicine or gynecology. Cut a semi-oval flap on the circular incision of the vaginal wall of the cervix. Cut the cervix on two lips: front and back. Leave the neck length.
Blood from the vagina, which appears outside of menstruation, should not go unnoticed. Indeed, the most common cause of its occurrence is disease. Heavy bleeding can also be life-threatening. Consider a few common reasons why.
In This Post You Have Found All The Information You Need To Know About Clear Watery Discharge During Pregnancy. Hope It Was Helpful?