Vaginal discharge smells like dead animal is usually a sign of warning, as it tends to be a common symptom of vaginal infections, which can be caused by fungi, bacteria or parasites.
In addition to the bad smell, which is often compared to the smell of fish, other symptoms that indicate infection such as burning, itching, burning while urinating, yellowish-green color or pain during sexual
However, Vaginal discharge is something normal in every woman’s life, but do you know how to identify when it becomes a problem? Keep on reading to find out!.
Vaginal secretions are normal and help to leave the place cleaner and healthier, that is, free from infections. However, sometimes the discharge can indicate that something is wrong.
A urinary tract infection, for example, can cause vaginal discharge and a characteristic foul odor.
Know how to differentiate the characteristics of a normal vaginal discharge from an abnormal discharge.
To Learn More About Normal and Abnormal Discharge In Women and Girls Click Here
Types Of Vaginal Discharge
There are basically two types of vaginal discharge: one that is healthy and expected in every woman and one that can pose a health hazard.
Healthy vaginal discharge does not cause any discomfort and is usually odorless. Usually, it is transparent or has a milky appearance.
Incidentally, the clear transparent vaginal discharge that resembles the texture of egg white is typical of the female fertile period.
So, if you plan to become pregnant or avoid becoming pregnant, it’s a good idea to note what day of the month this discharge appears.
There are also discharges with different colors and it is important to understand what each color means.
A white or clear discharge is normal. But changes in color, quantity, and smell could be signs of an infection or some other health problem.
So if your discharge changes to a bright yellow or greenish color overnight, it’s worth visiting your gynecologist to examine the cause of this change.
Other warning signs are:
- Brown discharge;
- Presence of blood;
- Pink discharge;
- Strong or bad smell;
- Itching or blistering of the skin;
- Burning sensation when urinating;
- Very large volume;
- Sudden change in the consistency of the discharge – to too thick or too watery, for example.
Main Causes Behind Vaginal Discharge Smells Like dead animal
According to research published in 2018 in the journal Frontiers in Medicine, several factors can affect the pH and natural conditions of the vagina, such as:
- Pregnancy;
- Use of antibiotics;
- Habit of using vaginal douches;
- Feminine hygiene products;
- Diabetes.
In fact, changes in the natural conditions of the genital area can lead to discharge and infections.
Therefore, the main causes behind vaginal discharge smells like dead animal are usually:
1. Fungal Infection
Fungi may be responsible for your abnormal discharge – especially if the discharge is light yellow or thick and you notice itchiness or burning.
2. Bacterial Vaginosis
Bacterial vaginosis is a polymicrobial infection caused by the replacement of the normal flora of the vagina (Lactobacillus sp) by an exaggerated amount of several anaerobic bacteria (Gardnerella vaginalis, Ureaplasma, Mycoplasma hominis, Prevotella sp, Mobiluncus sp, among others).
This type of infection can be caused by a decrease in the defenses of the vagina, due to a decrease in protective bacteria, the presence of an irritating factor (foreign body in the vagina, such as retained tampons or condoms), an increase in pathogenic bacteria or an increase in vagina pH.
Although this type of infection is not considered to be sexually transmitted, it can occur without sexual activity (as in children and some adolescents), it is associated with sexual activity, being more frequent in women with a new sexual partner or with multiple partners.
It occurs more frequently in situations of atrophy of the vaginal mucosa, lack of vaginal lactobacilli and in women who have vaginal douches (irrigations).
Bacterial vaginosis can be asymptomatic (without symptoms) in about 50% of women or be associated with nonspecific symptoms.
The most frequent complaints are vulvar burning and burning, and white or grayish, thin and homogeneous (creamy) discharge, with a strong unpleasant smell (generally described as “fishy smell”) that worsens with washing using alkaline soaps during menstruation and in sexual relationships.
Bacterial vaginosis may appear and resolve spontaneously or may be associated with other types of complications.
It can promote the occurrence of ascending infections of the vagina, leading to infection of the uterus (endometritis) and pelvis (pelvic inflammatory disease) and promotes and increases susceptibility to other types of sexually transmitted infections such as Trichomonas vaginalis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Chlamydia trachomatis, HSV-2 and HIV-1.
3. Candidiasis
Candidiasis is an infection caused by a fungus, Candida sp. In about 90% of cases it is caused by the overgrowth of Candida albicans.
According to study, About 75% of women will have an episode of infection during their lifetime and 40-45% will have two or more episodes.
This type of infection is not sexually transmitted and can occur without sexual activity (as in children and some adolescents).
There are several factors that can be predisposing, such as pregnancy, some types of hormonal contraception (contraception), diabetes and other endocrine disorders, the use of antibiotics and corticosteroids, and diseases with reduced immune system.
In acute infection, the symptoms referred to are intense pruritus (itching), which worsens at night and in the premenstrual phase (before menstruation), the sensation of dryness of the vagina, burning and swelling (swelling) of the vulva, dyspareunia ( pain during intercourse) and white or yellowish, thick, lumpy discharge (commonly described as “curdled milk” or “curd cheese”).
The gynecological examination allows confirming the characteristics of the described discharge and characterizing the vulvar region, which is usually swollen and erythematous (red), and may even present some itchy lesions.
4. Trichomoniasis
Trichomoniasis is an infection caused by a flagellated protozoan, Trichomonas vaginalis. In adults, this infection is sexually transmitted.
Due to the characteristics of this infectious agent, there can be infection not only of the vagina but also of the urethra and the glands that are located next to the urethra and vagina.
This type of parasite has an anaerobic metabolism and survives in more alkaline environments, and factors that favor its appearance are alterations that affect the pH of the vagina (more alkaline) and the vaginal microbial population.
Thus, in the post-menstrual phase (after menstruation), with the passage of menstrual blood in the vagina, there is a decrease in acidity and the symptoms are aggravated at this time.
Symptoms of trichomoniasis are erythema (redness) and edema (swelling) of the vulva and vagina, irritation and pruritus (itching) of the vulva, dysuria (pain when urinating) and profuse, yellowish or greenish, airy, foamy discharge, with a foul odor.
In about 10-15% of cases women may be asymptomatic (no symptoms).
The gynecological examination allows confirming the characteristics of the described discharge and characterizing the vulva, vagina and cervix, which usually presents in a characteristic form (“raspberry-like cervix”).
Other Infections
Other infections can be the cause of the problem – such as some sexually transmitted diseases. They include:
5. Chlamydia
Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted disease caused by a type of bacterium known as Chlamydia trachomatis.
Chlamydia, one of the most common types of sexually transmitted diseases, is more common in the young population, but is seen in patients of all ages.
For this reason, anyone who has an active sexual life and engages in unprotected sexual intercourse is at risk for Chlamydia infection.
Chlamydia infection is a disease that is usually transmitted vaginally, anally or at least orally. However, a pregnant mother with an infection can transmit Chlamydia to her baby during childbirth.
Because the infection is a disease that can progress secretly, the patient can usually pass the disease to many people without noticing.
In the advanced stages of the disease, disorders such as cervicitis (uterine cervix infection) in women.
For this reason, regular health checks and tracking of changes in a person’s body are very important.
- Burning sensation and pain during urination
- Painful menstrual bleeding
- Bad-smelling and thick vaginal discharge
- Pain during and after sexual intercourse
- Vaginal area itching and burning
- Intermittent bleeding can be seen outside the menstrual period.
Chlamydia infection has become one of the most common diseases in recent years due to the increase in sexually transmitted diseases.
Chlamydia infection, which occurs in women around the world, is a disease in which those who have unprotected sexual intercourse are at risk.
Chlamydia infection, which can cause serious illnesses if left untreated, is a disease whose symptoms appear late, but affects the patient’s life from the moment the symptoms appear.
For this reason, it is very important to know about the Chlamydia infection, to prevent the spread of the disease, or to have an appropriate treatment for an infected person.
6. Genital Herpes
Genital Herpes is widespread in the human population. The medical and social significance of this viral infection is great. The herpes simplex virus (SHV) is found in 9 out of 10 people worldwide. In every 5th person he gives external manifestations.
The cause of the disease is two types of herpes simplex virus (Herpessimplex), more commonly SHV-2.
The first type of virus was previously associated with skin and oral diseases. SHV-2 causes genital herpes and meningoencephalitis.
At present, there are diseases caused by the first type of virus or a mixture of them. Often, the carrier has no symptoms of the disease and is unaware that it is a source of infection.
The most common routes of transmission of genital herpes are sexual and contact. Infection usually occurs during sexual intercourse with a virus carrier or a sick person.
Kissing can also be transmitted through the use of common objects (spoons, toys). This virus can also be disseminated by airborne droplets.
From a medical point of view, this disease is called “anogenital herpes infection caused by the HerpesSimplex virus.”
Most people who have been SHV for a long time have no symptoms. The incubation period for genital herpes in pre-infected people is 7 days.
In women – in the cervical canal, vagina, urethra. After infection, genital herpes becomes a lifelong carrier. The disease is prone to relapses.
7. Genital Warts
The name of the virus that causes warts in the vagina: Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is a type and there is a face type of this virus. The most common diseases are Type 6 and Type 11.
The form of infection is usually during sexual intercourse. Because the infection is more intense during the active lesion period, condoms should be used during this period, but this may not always be enough.
Viral infections such as HPV can wait silently for a long time after entering the cell. The warts in the vagina, which identify themselves, usually look like cauliflower. However, according to the type, even if the HPV virus enters your body, it may not show itself immediately.
HPV, a contagious virus; Just as it can be sexually transmitted, it can also be transmitted through close contact with the genital area, without sexual intercourse. Infection through the fingers, vaginal intercourse, anal intercourse, oral intercourse, friction, the virus can pass to you in many forms of contact.
It is also unlikely that the virus can be transmitted in ways such as towels, pools, toilets and undies.
8. Gonorrhea
Gonorrhea is a bacterial infection caused by the body Neisseria gonorrhoeae is transmitted during unprotected sex. It is one of the oldest known STDs.
Most infected women have no symptoms, especially in the early stages of infection.
Symptoms and signs of gonorrhea include:
- Burning
- Frequent and / or painful urination
- Yellowish vaginal discharge
- Redness and swelling of the genitals
- Burning or itching of the vaginal area
- Sore throat
Gonorrhea infection of the fallopian tubes can cause a serious, painful infection of the pelvis, known as pelvic inflammatory disease or PID. PID occurs in many women with cervical gonorrheal infection.
Symptoms of a pelvic infection include fever, pelvic cramps, pelvic pain, or pain during sex. Pelvic infection can result in pregnancy or even difficulty due to infertility tubal damage or obstruction.
Sometimes, if the infection is severe enough, a life-threatening localized area of infection and a pus-like discharge (abscess) (tubo-ovarian abscess) may occur and severe surgery may be required.
In humans, a condition such as gonorrhea infection can lead to severely depressed immune function AIDS or immunosuppressive therapy may be more serious.
For this reason, it is very important to know about the Gonorrhea infection, to prevent the spread of the disease, or to have an appropriate treatment for an infected person.
There are also discharges that do not indicate any health problem and are caused by hormonal fluctuations in the menstrual cycle itself. Therefore, it is essential to go to the gynecologist before starting any treatment.
How To Treat Vaginal Discharge Smells Like Dead Animal?
Different types of infections require different treatments, as described below.
The treatment of candidiasis is indicated in women who have symptoms, and the treatment of asymptomatic women is not recommended.
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The sexual partner should only be treated if they have symptoms of infection (balanitis).
In uncomplicated candidiasis, i.e. sporadic, with mild or moderate symptoms, probably caused by Candida albicans and in non-immunocompromised women, treatment with a drug (medicine) derived from imidazole can be performed orally (single dose) or intravaginally. (gynecological ointment), with overlapping efficacy.
Complicated candidiasis is considered to be recurrent (4 or more symptomatic infections per year), severe, caused by non-albicans candidiasis, and present in immunosuppressed women, medicated with corticosteroids, frequently medicated with antibiotics, diabetic or debilitated.
In these cases, more specific exams may be indicated in order to individualize the therapy.
Treatment can also be oral, topical or in combination and for longer periods of time.
In cases of intense vulvar symptoms and inflammation, topical application of hydrocortisone and hygiene with an anti-inflammatory antiseptic can be associated with faster relief of symptoms.
The treatment of trichomoniasis aims to destroy the parasite and regularize the vaginal environment, in order to reduce the risk of recurrences. This is indicated in women with symptoms and in the sexual partner.
Since this parasite infects not only the vagina but also the urethra (urinary tract infection) and the para-urethral and para-vaginal glands, the recommended treatment is systemic (oral).
The only class of effective drugs are the nitroimidazoles, which can be administered in a single dose or for 7 days. The woman should not have sexual intercourse until the couple’s treatment has ended or until both are asymptomatic.
The goal of treating bacterial vaginosis is to relieve the symptoms of the infection and decrease the likelihood that a sexually transmitted infection will overlap.
Women with symptoms or who do not have symptoms but are going to have surgery (operation) should be treated. In this type of infection, treatment of the sexual partner is not recommended.
Drug treatment can be done with clindamycin or metronidazole, in the form of topical or oral treatment, with equal therapeutic efficacy (to cure the infection).
In cases of recurrent infection, treatment can be prolonged and the association with the application of adjuvant vaginal probiotics may be beneficial. During treatment, the woman should not have sex or use a condom.
Topical therapy (gynecological ointment) with cream or ova of imidazole derivatives or with clindamycin cream reduces the effectiveness of condoms.
For candidiasis and bacterial vaginosis infections, surveillance and follow-up are not required unless symptoms persist or recur.
In trichomoniasis surveillance is unnecessary if the couple is asymptomatic after finishing treatment, however, as there is a high risk of reinfection, an evaluation 3 months after treatment can be considered.
So, when there is an infection caused by fungi, its treatment can rely on remedies such as:
- Fluconazole;
- Metronidazole;
- Nystatin Gynecological Cream;
- Clotrimazole;
- Tinidazole;
- Secnidazole.
But, if the gynecologist suspects a bacterial infection, he is likely to indicate the use of antibiotics such as:
- Azithromycin;
- Ciprofloxacin;
- Clindamycin;
- Ceftriaxone.
Of course, in addition to treatment with medication indicated by a health professional, it is important to take some basic care that speeds up recovery, such as:
- Keep underwear clean and dry at all times;
- Prefer cotton underwear that irritates the skin less;
- Do intimate hygiene without exaggeration, that is, without too many products and avoiding vaginal douches;
- Having sex with adequate protection.
Finally, know that having different discharges throughout the month is expected and is part of the menstrual cycle. But still, it is very important to go to the gynecologist every year for a general assessment of your intimate health.
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