Why Do Watery Discharge Before Period Occur

Why Do Watery Discharge Before Period Occur?

The complain about watery discharge before period is not uncommon. The nature and amount of discharge from the vagina does not depend only on what stage of the cycle they occur. Clear watery discharge, however, is not usually a sign of a problem.

Often, this can mean that there is a pathological process, not only in the reproductive system, but also in the body as a whole.

Very often women are deceived when strange, watery discharge appear from the genital tract.

Before you start removing white laundry, you should consult a doctor and get tested.

As a rule, if the discharge is not accompanied by discomfort and redness of the external genitalia, painful sensations in the lower abdomen, fever, then it is not necessarily a pathological manifestation, however, it is a possible variant of the norm.

At about the age of 10, girls begin to get their first vaginal discharge. This indicates the onset of puberty.

The ovaries gradually begin to work, carrying out the synthesis of estrogen, under the influence of which the discharge takes place. At this point, they may be more or less, depending on estrogen levels.

As a rule, such a watery discharge from the vagina is moderate, mucous, more like egg whites.

But they can be strong and watery. When menstrual function begins, the discharge becomes permanent and changes throughout the cycle.

Why Do Watery Discharge Before Period Occur?


When Do Watery Discharge Before Period Occur?


Discharge may occur a few days before and inside the day of ovulation. If they are liquid, copious, mucous, or watery, this may indicate a change in sex hormone levels.

In the first phase of the menstrual cycle mucus in the cervical canal must be thick, which creates an obstacle to the penetration into the uterus of sperm and pathological microorganisms.

Before ovulation, the mucus becomes thinner and the discharge becomes larger. They can also be liquid-mucous or watery.

Watery Discharge: What Happens In The Second Phase Of The Cycle?

A few days before the start of menstruation, the watery discharge becomes different. High levels of progesterone help prepare the lining of the uterus for egg implantation.

When there is a strong excretion of a foul odor and without additional symptoms there is no need to be afraid – this is also normal.

Watery Discharge As A Sign Of Illness

– Salpingo-oophoritis. When inflammation of the fallopian tubes very often abundant aqueous discharge.

This process is related to the fact that the abdominal section of the tube is blocked and the uterine division narrows.

With this, the fallopian tube itself accumulates fluid that flows first into the uterus and then into the vagina. If the disease progresses, the discharge is thick and purulent.

Endometritis. in chronic inflammation of the uterus disrupted biochemical processes in the mucosa, which manifests itself as increased secretion.

They are usually abundant, watery, with the addition of blood and an unpleasant odor. The secretion becomes stronger before and after menstruation.

– Diseases of the cervix. Abundant discharge with impurities in the blood may indicate cervical cancer.

– Bacterial Vaginosis. This disease is also accompanied by the appearance of severe discharge. They have a fishy smell and cause discomfort. If the disease is neglected, the discharge becomes thick, yellow-green in color.

We Determine The Norm: Which Discharge Are Not Considered Pathologies?

The menstrual cycle is divided into three phases, during which significantly different processes take place: follicular, ovulatory and lutein, the direction of which depends on the production of two main hormones – progesterone and estrogen.

They are the ones who determine the nature of the discharge in a woman. The first phase, which begins on the first day of menstruation and ends before ovulation, is characterized by a mild, white, odorless discharge.

They are not thick and liquid, but the structure is smooth, without a mixture of liquid and viscous substance.

At this stage, estrogen is activated, which prepares the body for ovulation. However, watery discharge after period is considered a pathology.

Clear watery discharge is characteristic of the ovulation period and the first days after it, when the corpus luteum phase comes.

Before menstruation, women can observe a watery discharge, which is similar in structure and color to egg whites, and if it does not smell, the body is fine and there is no reason to worry.

It is also considered the norm during this period of creamy consistency, especially 7 days before the start of menstruation.

Abundance of water discharge in the luteal phase may be taken as the norm, however, if this has not been shown before, a medical examination is required.

These parameters are relative, because every woman’s body is individual, and if you observe some changes that have become systemic, then this is also the reason to go to the doctor.

White Watery Discharge

Watery mucosal discharge from the vagina is considered normal if it originates from the luteal or ovulatory phase. But if the mucus has white veins, it could mean erosion of the cervix or inflammation of its canal.

Watery Discharge With Odor

The most common causes of watery discharge, which is accompanied by an unpleasant odor, are bacterial infections. In this case, the shade also changes – it becomes greenish or yellow. This is one of the symptoms of such diseases:

  • Chlamydia;
  • Trichomoniasis;
  • Gonorrhea.

Therefore, if the discharge has an unpleasant odor, it is urgent to consult a doctor to determine the exact cause and treatment.

Brown Watery Discharge

This character of discharge is often accompanied by an unpleasant odor. It can also occur in the middle of the cycle, before and after menstruation, as well as with painful pain in the lower abdomen.

If these parameters are present, we can speak of them as the first sign of endometritis.

This disease does not bring discomfort to a woman, but it can cause miscarriage during pregnancy. Also, brown secretions may indicate a polyp in the uterus.

Yellowish Watery Discharge

Normal discharge may have a yellowish color, but if they are clearly yellow, then this is a reason to consult a specialist and examine it because this color of discharge is characteristic of sexually transmitted diseases.

Also, if you have watery and yellow discharge, it can mean inflammation of the ovaries or fallopian tubes.

If unpleasant odors are added to this, a bacterial infection is most often manifested.

Sometimes, a normal vaginal discharge is nothing to be alarmed about. Discharges help keep the vagina clean and free of harmful pathogens.

Healthy bacteria living in your vagina help make your secretions acidic. That acidic discharge get rid of bad bacteria and clears out dead cells.

Vaginal discharge can begin about 6 months to one year before a girl gets her period. It’s caused by hormonal changes. If the discharge is watery, it’s most likely normal and not a sign of infection.

Clear and watery discharge can increase at any point during your period. Estrogen can facilitate the production of more fluids.

However, if you notice any fishy, foul smell or changes in color, seek immediate help from your doctor. To see more post on Women’s Health click here.

Why Do Watery Discharge Before Period Occur?

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