Could The White Discharge Be A Pregnancy

Could The White Discharge Be A Sign Of Pregnancy? Check All Details Here!

White discharge or any type of Discharges are common in women’s lives. Changes in the secretions of the vagina can say a lot about the body, signaling infections and diseases or warning that you are in your fertile period.

Did you know that these changes can even help identify if you are pregnant?

Pregnancy is full of events inside a woman’s body and they don’t always notice the symptoms of pregnancy right away.

According to the Ministry of Health, the woman needs to be attentive to diagnose the pregnancy as soon as possible, to avoid damage to the baby’s health and receive adequate monitoring.

A pasty or milky white discharge when accompanied by intense itching or a strong odor can be a sign of vaginal infections such as candidiasis or other gynecological diseases.

But when it appears white, transparent, or milky and odorless, it is considered normal.

Recurring questions and reports, white discharge is one of the questions that do not shut up! After all, can that ointment-like mucus be a sign of pregnancy?

First of all, let’s clarify that discharge and mucus are completely different things.

The discharge usually comes from a problem, inflammation, or a transient illness such as candida.

IMPORTANT: White mucus is healthy and important for the vaginal flora. In most cases, this white discharge indicates that the female hormones are elevated, since they are responsible for its formation and can even indicate a pregnancy.

When the discharge is itchy, itchy or bothersome it should be evaluated, because it is not normal.

Today’s article will analyze, if white discharge could be a pregnancy, which discharges are the main ones and which ones appear first so that women can target. Remembering to always seek medical advice!


What Is White Discharge?

What Is White Mucus?

To understand this white discharge, we have to understand how the human body works. When a woman has a significant drop in estrogen and progesterone, menstruation comes down with a red discharge. It is the most easily identifiable flow and can also be brown, light, light red or with clots.

Why White Discharge During Pregnancy

After ovulation, the production of progesterone is stimulated. The corpus luteum (the scar where the ruptured follicle was) begins to produce high doses of this hormone and, as a consequence, a white and pasty discharge is formed.

To know if this white discharge could be a pregnancy, it is necessary that the body continues to produce mucus even after the missed period.

Some women may have a bleeding sign in the meantime. This can mean 3 things:

  1. menstruation is anticipated
  2. It’s a nidation hemorrhage
  3. It’s an exhaust bleed

A woman with a healthy cycle should have at least 12-14 days of luteal phase, that is, a phase in which the corpus luteum predominates with its hormonal elevation.

What Can Be White Discharge?

The presence of this milky white discharge strongly suggests that the body has functioned as it should and that the woman has ovulated.

To clarify, after fertilization, the embryo can take between 7 and 15 days to reach the place where it will be implanted to grow. When this implantation occurs, small hemorrhages or brown discharge may occur.

However, it should be remembered that any bleeding should be considered as a possible menstruation on the way. Think about nesting after the menstrual delay period.

We can say that the more white mucus, the better. And this discharge can be a pregnancy when it is abundant.

For some women, after the fertile period it is possible to feel it flowing like a menstrual period.

This may mean that the corpus luteum is fulfilling its function, but also that fertilization has occurred. They say that the more white mucus a woman has, the greater the chance of fertilization.

This is because the body understands that there is an organism developing inside the uterus and works to increase the production of progesterone.

This, in turn, will keep the endometrium in place so that the zygote finds a suitable and cuddly place to stay and grow.

In short, the more white mucus, the greater the chance of pregnancy. If you had this mucus or pasty white discharge that looks like ointment, in large amounts, but still menstruated, this is a sign that you just ovulated.

Remember that the cause of this mucus is a hormone and it is present in your body all the time.

White Discharge Sticky?

A great doubt of the readers is in relation to the texture of the discharge. Many believe that it is through this aspect that problems or infections in the vaginal area are indicated, but this is not the case.

A white and pasty discharge without being accompanied by a bad smell or vaginal itching does not indicate a problem.

Typically, a pasty white discharge indicates a higher concentration of progesterone, so it appears firmer. In other words, the thicker the mucus, the higher the concentration of the hormone progesterone.

Milky White Discharge

Like pasty discharge, milky white discharge that does not smell or itch intensely from the vagina, vulva, and the entire area is considered healthy. The more liquid or fluid the flow, the greater the amount of estrogen.

Readers’ doubts

What Other Factors Can Cause White Mucus?

The mucus can also change color and texture due to the use of certain medications and supplements, depending on the woman’s age and as a result of some diseases, such as diabetes. However, these cases are rarer and are the exception.

Is White Discharge Normal?

The normal amount of discharge produced by the average woman is about a tablespoon a day.

A sudden increase in the amount of white discharge can mean anything from an infection to pregnancy.

Therefore, it is important to observe the characteristics of the mucus and in what period of the menstrual cycle it occurs. Self-knowledge is everything.

What Signs Should I Watch Out For?

It is possible to notice some signs of the body that can indicate a pregnancy, in addition to the delay in menstruation. Some may go unnoticed and others are similar to premenstrual tension (PMS).

To be sure of pregnancy, the only 100% reliable way is the blood test that detects the HCG hormone from 10 days after fertilization.

Pharmacy tests also work relatively well – but if the result is negative and the woman is still having her period late and feeling the body’s signals, it is better to repeat the test.

In addition to the most common symptoms, such as morning sickness, tiredness and breast tenderness, there is another set of signs that are directly related to pregnancy.

The first signs and symptoms of pregnancy can be so subtle that only a few women can notice them, going unnoticed in most cases.

However, knowing what these early signs and symptoms are is a great way for a woman to be more attentive and be able to quickly identify a possible pregnancy.

The most common signs and symptoms of pregnancy include:

Pink Vaginal Discharge

This discharge is called implantation bleeding, but it is the exception rather than the rule. Not all women who become pregnant see it. We can say that only 20% of women experience this bleeding after implantation.

The vast majority cannot detect pregnancy through this bleeding. Implantation bleeding is very low flow, in fact, there should be no flow in this bleeding.

In fact, it happens through the fixation of the embryo and the desquamation that the implantation favors in the endometrium.

To better understand, let’s say that the uterus is a padded field where the baby will settle and when that happens, it will be necessary for the mattress to be opened to accommodate the baby in a small hole in the blood layer.

This act of sinking would draw a small amount of blood from the endometrium and if there is a passage, the blood will flow out of the woman’s vagina.

The vast majority of times when implantation bleeding appears is without flow and for a short time.

How Many Days Does Nidation Last?

We can say that implantation bleeding should not exceed 3 days and there should be no flow. If so, something could be wrong.

In these cases there is the possibility of low hormone (progesterone) which would pose an imminent risk to the recent pregnancy and in this case you need help from a gynecologist.

Implantation Bleeding – Features

But how do I know that the bleeding I had is actually implantation? How do you know it’s not just an escape? Simple, implantation bleeding is when there is pregnancy.

Only with the presence of HCG in the body, it is possible to be 100% sure that the bleeding that happened was actually implantation.

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The blood must have no volume at all to be suspected of implantation. It should look brownish red and also light red. It can also appear as a sludge or brown discharge , but always in small amounts.

Could It Be Escape From Drug Deprivation?

Remember that not all blood is implantation, it can have several other reasons, including leakage and ovulation when applicable.

Some women may have bleeding due to medications they were taking or are taking, such as birth control or the morning after pill.

In this case, these bleedings are leaks due to medication deprivation or even some signal from the body in relation to the medication.

But know that, there’s no reason to panic if you don’t want to get pregnant. Let a few days pass and if you don’t have menstrual flow, take a test to clear the doubt.

How Long After Implantation Bleeding Can I Get Tested?

Only after implantation is the pregnancy hormone HCG produced. Before that, there may be signs of it in the body. A theory of mine is that fertilization secretes a minimal amount of HCG, where those small values ​​above 2.0 would appear.

Sometimes the value reaches 5 or even 6mUi of HCG due to implantation. However, the values ​​are only considerable above 25mUI.

If done too long before, the chances of having an undetermined beta HCG are very high. This is if the test is quantitative, as the qualitative will not detect numbers as low as these.

We can say that quantitative beta HCG can be performed from the 5th day after implantation and possible implantation bleeding, but always when this happens within 7 to 15 days after sexual intercourse.

However, it is advisable to carry out an examination from the 20th day after sexual intercourse to check for pregnancy.

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Could The White Discharge Be A Pregnancy?

Have You Ever Had Any Abnormal Discharge? Have You Discussed This Event With Your Gynecologist? Comment Below!

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