All About The 7 Different Shapes And Sizes Of Breasts

All About The 7 Different Shapes And Sizes Of Breasts!

We all have different breasts! Their shape and size vary greatly depending on the woman… Fortunately, there are methods to improve their shape and change their size: either enlarging them or reducing them!


The Different Types Of Breasts

The Different Types Of Breasts

Each person has a unique breast shape and size. It should be noted that the following breast shape classifications are purely cosmetic and not based on any medical science. It’s up to you to find yours!

  • Round  – The breasts or boobs are uniformly full, both at the top of the chest and at the bottom of the chest
  • East-West  – The right and left breasts are spread apart, away from the center of the chest. Nipples often point in opposite directions.
  • Sideways  – The shape is similar to the East-West shape, with a wider space between the boobs. The nipples do not necessarily point in opposite directions.
  • Bell shaped  – The boobs are round characterized by very smooth lines. The lower parts are slightly wider than the upper parts.
  • Narrow  – The breast are small and the nipples point downward. The bottom of the breasts is larger than the top. The boobs are longer than wide.
  • Asymmetrical  – One breast is significantly larger than the other.
  •  Pear -shaped  – The boobs are large, full at the bottom and thinner at the top.

Does Your Breast Size Change Over Time?

Your genetics determine the shape and size of your breasts. However, they can change because (or thanks!) to various events such as pregnancy or breastfeeding, but also the intensive practice of a sport or major weight fluctuations.

Some women experience significant size changes at certain times of the menstrual cycle.

Sometimes breast shape can even be linked to sexual arousal.

Some medications can also cause breast swelling. Some people observe this phenomenon when they take birth control pills.

And if you have asymmetrical breast, don’t panic! This is normal! No one has a perfectly symmetrical body. It is therefore not surprising that the left and right boobs can vary in size, shape, volume and location.

In 2006, the British scientific journal Breast Cancer Research published a report indicating that only one in 504 women had symmetrical breasts.

Experts from Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta, USA, have found that the left breast is larger than the right in 62% of cases.

In some people, the difference is not striking, while in others, one bre*st may be one cup size larger than the other.

In general, this is normal, especially in teenage girls whose bodies are still developing.

If one bre*st has suddenly become much larger than the other, it may be a good idea to see a medical professional to rule out any serious problems.

Let’s Talk Little, Let’s Talk Nipples

Let's Talk Little, Let's Talk Nipples

Finally, on our boobs we have nipples, but did you know that there are 4 different nipple shapes?

  • The “normal” ones are those found most frequently.
  • The “dishes” arise when there is stimulation or when it is cold
  • The “puffy” have an areola that rises gently.
  • The “inverted” are those that hardly come out and are turned inwards.

What Happens To Breasts After Weight Loss?

During a strict diet accompanied by intense sports practice, many women find that not only their thighs and buttocks do not become refined, but that their breasts become noticeably smaller.

The explanation is simple: when the body is in caloric deficit (that is to say that it burns more calories than it absorbs), it uses its fat reserves proportionally.

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The breast contain not only glandular tissues, but also connective and fatty tissues, and are therefore affected when the body begins to burn its fat stores.

The ratio of tissues is genetically determined. In people with a lot of fat, the bre*sts shrink faster than in people with less fat.

When you do strength training, strengthening the chest muscles can make the bre*st look more “full.”

To maintain elasticity and prevent sagging, experts advise not losing weight too quickly, eating healthy foods, and including leafy green vegetables and lean proteins in your diet.

Can Exercise Change Your Breasts?

The breasts contain glandular, connective and fatty tissue. The boobs is not a muscular organ.

The shape and size of the breasts are determined by the amount of fat and its distribution, but can also be affected by exercise.

Push-ups and strength exercises that work the pectoral muscles strengthen the boobs, which can make them lift and appear larger.

Pull-ups, squats, and plank variations strengthen the back and shoulder girdle muscles, which improve posture and naturally bring the boobs forward.

A nutrient-poor diet and fat-burning exercises like running, aerobics, and swimming can reduce boobs size.

How Do I Take Care Of My Breast?

  1. Put on a good and quality bra! To preserve the youthfulness of your chest, nothing beats lingerie with good support.
  2. In order to avoid the appearance of fine lines on the neckline, it is better to sleep on your back.
  3. Invest in silk sheets! Indeed it is commonly accepted that they mark the skin less.
  4. Moisturize your skin well to avoid the appearance of small brown spots and also to avoid sagging skin.
  5. The massage! On this point the partner (or the concubine!) can be put to contribution! This improves the circulation of fluids and fats.

In conclusion all bre*sts are beautiful! Provided you like them of course…

If you want to read more articles similar to all about the 7 different shapes and sizes of breasts, we recommend you visit our Women’s Health category. Share on your social networks and stay tuned for upcoming articles.

All About The 7 Different Shapes And Sizes Of Breasts!

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