Yakult Fat or Lose Weight? The vast majority of Brazilians must have already taken Yakult. The image of resellers pulling the product cart through the streets is part of our daily lives.
We grew up hearing about live lactobacilli. We drink this fermented milk, but few people know that it is a probiotic food.
After All, What Are Such Living Lactobacilli?
Bacteria are usually associated with diseases, however, those that inhabit a healthy intestine are responsible for its proper functioning.
In our intestinal flora there are at least 10 billion bacteria per mm². Most of them are lactobacilli.
These lactobacilli reach the intestine alive, as they are able to survive stomach acidity. In the intestinal environment, they reproduce quickly.
How Do Lactobacilli Work?
Lactobacilli are like “natural antibiotics”. In the intestinal environment there is competition for food. This fight between good bacteria and bad bacteria happens all the time.
Lactobacilli, being in greater numbers, consume nutrients, leaving little for the other bacterial forms; in this way, they are decimated, keeping us away from infections.
When an imbalance occurs, and the number of lactobacilli is overtaken by harmful bacteria, we get sick. This imbalance is called intestinal dysbiosis.
The presence of lactobacilli also increases acidity in the intestinal environment, hindering the proliferation and growth of harmful microorganisms. Hence the enormous importance of lactobacilli .
Possible Causes of Dysbiosis
- Indiscriminate use of antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, steroids, antacids and analgesics;
- Excessive use of purgatives and laxatives;
- Deficient production of gastric juices;
- Low fiber intake;
- High consumption of sugars and fats;
Abusive use of alcoholic beverages and cigarettes;
- food poisoning;
- Liver dysfunctions;
Yakult Fat or Lose Weight?
Studies related to the subject are still very preliminary. To know if Yakult gets fat or lose weight, let’s try to understand a little more about him.
Among these studies, one, published by the Journal of Functional Foods, suggests that these supplements may impede the absorption of intestinal fat, albeit in a modest way.
This result was arrived at after analyzing a small group of volunteers, all of whom were slightly overweight.
Still on this topic, it was observed that good intestinal bacteria promote a positive change in the way the body absorbs calories from food, which could create a possibility of affirming that Yakult loses weight in the future. However, all these studies need much more time to be conclusive.
Calories and Nutritional Information
One unit of Yakult has 51 calories, 11g of carbohydrates, 1.6g of protein, and 0g of fat.
We can conclude that each unit has too few calories to be considered a villain in a diet. It would be an exaggeration to say that Yakult gets fat even if a person takes two units a day.
Yakult vs Lactose Intolerance (IL)
Being a probiotic, fermented milk, when reaching the intestine, allows its lactobacilli to settle in its mucosa, where they will feed on some fibers and lactose, thus acting as an important adjuvant in the treatment of symptoms caused by intolerance to lactose.
Obviously, people who have a proven picture of lactose intolerance should talk to their doctor before starting to consume these products.
- It works as a bactericide;
- Balances the intestinal flora;
- Stimulates the immune system;
- Regulates intestinal transit;
- Facilitates the absorption of nutrients;
- Relieves constipation;
- Prevents the formation of gases.
How to Make Yakult at Home
For those who consume fermented milk in large quantities, it may be interesting to try to make it at home.
It is quite simple to get the result, with good cost reduction.
First, choose a glass bottle with a lid. They must be well sterilized in boiling water. This includes all objects that will be used during the preparation of the recipe, including spoon and funnel, when it is necessary to use them.
1 liter of skimmed milk;
2 jars of Yakult;
3 tablespoons of brown sugar (for the syrup);
3 tablespoons of water (for the syrup);
How to do it is detailed, step by step, in the link below:
Advantages Of Homemade Yakult
- One of the advantages of doing it at home is the possibility of controlling sugar, and it is even possible to exclude it;
- The choice of skimmed milk also makes the final product healthier.
Disadvantages Of Homemade Yakult
- As it is a product manufactured in a domestic environment, its shelf life is much shorter and should be consumed within a few days, since there are no preservatives, except those already present in milk and Yakult. Don’t forget to keep it in the fridge;
- Do not consume in excess. Respect the daily doses. The homemade product has the same side effects as industrialized Yakult.
How Much To Consume?
Although it is much appreciated, the size of the bottle would be the recommended daily dose. People with a predisposition may accelerate intestinal peristalsis, causing diarrhea.
Despite being a product that is easily found and sold freely, it would be interesting to orient yourself in relation to the daily amounts.
There are no cases of serious contraindications reported. People who are known to be allergic to the product should, of course, avoid it.
It is not recommended to consume too much of the product with the idea of making it a laxative, because in addition to not being the purpose of fermented milks, for now the idea that Yakult loses weight is discarded.
Obviously, when causing a possible picture of diarrhea, the person will lose weight by dehydration and not by burning fat.
- Although “in natura” milk contains lactobacilli, they do not survive the pasteurization process;
- Lactobacilli are present not only in the intestinal flora, but also in the vaginal and oral flora;
- In some texts it will be possible to find the word “microbiota” instead of intestinal flora.
Final Considerations
our health depends on a mixof components acting in a balanced way, and our intestinal flora is part of this process.
It is necessary to keep it healthy, ingesting fresh foods, soluble and insoluble fibers, reducing excess sugar, sodium and fats.
To complement, the consumption of fermented milks will supply any food shortage, strengthening and helping our intestine in the performance of its function.