Does releasing sperm make you lose weight

Fact check: Does releasing sperm make you lose weight

In the post we’ll be discussing the topic “Does releasing sperm make you lose weight“. is this actually true?

Keep reading to find out, a bonus awaits you at the bottom.

Sperm is made primary of water and protein, and protein is made up of amino acids, which are the building blocks of body cells.

Therefore releasing sperm means you’re losing some amount of water and proteins as well which may lead to weight loss especially when practiced more often.

Does releasing sperm make you lose weight

Does releasing sperm make you lose weight

Let’s consider what science has to say. How many calories do you burn during sex?

Also, haven’t you noticed that after sexual intercourse, there is high tendency that you may sweat? In fact having good sex may regarded as a workout or an exercise.

A 2013 study of young, healthy couples who spent 25 minutes having sex showed that When it comes to intercourse, women can burn 69 calories per session (including foreplay).

The study also showed that heart rate, oxygen consumption, and blood pressure were higher with orgasm, so finishing is equivalent to slightly more of a workout.

The study tested the participant’s calorie burn after running on a treadmill for 30 minutes, and women tended to burn about 213 calories. In other words, running is obviously much more of a workout in a similar time frame.

Most times, people think that guys who are skinny or slim, is as a result of having sex on a daily basis and this makes them lose weight. But is this actually true?

Releasing sperm can make you lose weight, but on the other hand, being slim or skinny does not actually relate to regular sex.

Some people always appear skinny despite the amount or type of diet they eat or how regular they have sex.

A 2013 study from The New England Journal of Medicine found that most sex sessions last for 6 minutes only, so the average calorie burn might be only about 21 in that time. That means most couples probably aren’t having sex for half an hour either.

However, since the figure above refers to men, who may do more of calorie-burning thrusting in straight, missionary-position sex, the study authors suggest that one round of sex might burn closer to 14 calories for straight women, on average. And there are so many missionary-positions you can do to make sex last longer, if you aren’t in the mood for a quickie. To add to the fun and burn more calories when it comes to sex, try getting on top of your partner.

The is because in most positions, being on top requires a bit more movement and it will burn more calories.

In other words, changing up your positions throughout a sex session can also make it more of a workout.

According to research from the University of Montreal, men burn 100 calories during the average sex session, which lasts about 25 minutes.

In fact, the degree of intensity that is exerted from sexual activity could be higher than that of walking at 3 miles per hour, but less than that of jogging at 5 miles per hour.

We’re not saying your typical sex romp is on par with an hour in the gym, but hear us out. Sex gets your body moving which leads to weight loss.

Is it even better: The longer sex sessions, the more calories you burn.

Also, partnered sex tends to burn more calories than masturbating. This is because it typically involves more pumping and rolling movements and this last longer.

However, reaching orgasm on your own will still release the hormone endorphins and the feel-good hormone oxytocin, just like finishing your last set at the gym would.

Do you think masturbation, or even sex and orgasm, affect your muscle gains? Do you know what happens to your body when you masturbate? Do you know the muscular effects of masturbation?

Well, don’t bother your head trying to answer all that. As a bonus, we’ve carefully explained all the answers to those questions and it’s all right here in this video below.

Does releasing sperm make you lose weight in men

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