Gastritis is an inflammation of the lining of the stomach that can be caused by prolonged use of anti-inflammatory drugs, excessive consumption of alcohol and cigarettes, chronic stress, an infection caused by the bacteria Helicobacter pylori, or any other cause that affects the functioning of this organ.
Sometimes gastritis can be an autoimmune condition in which the immune system mistakenly attacks the cells that line the stomach. Next, we’ll look at some of the symptoms and how to modify your diet to avoid the bad foods for gastritis.
Symptoms Of Gastritis
- Abdominal discomfort;
- Little appetite;
- Abdominal pain;
- Swelling, belching, or feeling of being full that worsens when eating;
- Nausea and sometimes vomiting.
Severe gastritis can erode the lining of the stomach, causing painful ulcers and dark stools, which are a sign of bleeding in the stomach.
In addition, it can also cause anemia or a reduction in red blood cells in the bloodstream, leading to shortness of breath when the person practices physical activities, and consequently to fatigue.
It is not always enough to diagnose this condition with a simple symptom analysis. It is sometimes necessary to have a test called an endoscopy.
In this procedure, the doctor inserts a very thin flexible tube with a camera at its end, down the person’s throat so that they can capture images of the digestive system.
Modifying Diet To Treat Gastritis
While there are several medical treatments for gastritis, there are some foods that make the symptoms worse. The recommended thing is to keep a food diary and keep track of which ones are bad for you.
If you notice a connection between certain foods and symptoms, it is recommended to stop eating for a while and look for a possible improvement in this inflammation.
Types of Bad Foods for Gastritis
Some foods favor the secretion of gastric acid and should be eaten with greater care, as they attack the stomach walls. Below is a list of the top 4 bad foods for gastritis.
1. Spicy Foods
Spicy foods are more likely to attack the stomach lining and can intensify the symptoms of gastritis, so dishes made with pepper, hot sauces, curry and mustard, for example, can cause acid reflux, or make it worse.
2. Certain Drinks
All alcoholic beverages and those that are high in fat, such as milk and chocolate drinks, as well as citrus fruit juices, are extremely harmful to the stomach mucosa and, for this reason, doctors recommend the immediate interruption of their consumption.
Caffeine, present in coffee, teas, mate, and cola-based soft drinks, should also be avoided because it has a direct effect on the stomach mucosa, causing irritation.
3. Raw Vegetables
When a person is dealing with chronic gastritis, it is advisable to avoid raw vegetables. For many people, garlic and onions can be burning and painful, while for others, tomatoes can be bad food for gastritis.
People who suffer from gastritis can eat vegetables, but preferably cooked and/or cut into small pieces so that they can be digested more easily. In addition, health experts advise people with gastritis to chew their food well before swallowing to avoid stomach irritation.
4. Fatty Foods
Fatty foods are bad for gastritis as they can start a process of inflammation in the lining of the stomach.
It is not recommended to consume foods that contain trans fats, such as fried eggs, onion rings, fried sweets, French fries, fried chicken, white bread, pasta, seafood and breaded meat, as it will not only irritate the mucosa. they can also raise blood pressure or lead to cardiovascular disease and obesity.
In addition to the foods mentioned above, others are also harmful for gastritis:
- Foods with gluten;
- Soy;
- Grains;
- Potatoes;
- Dairy products (except organic yogurt);
- Processed foods;
- Chocolate;
- Corn;
- Energetic drinks.
Through a balanced diet, the nutrients absorbed by our body can help reduce the discomfort caused by gastritis, facilitating the digestion process or “soothing” the most sensitive stomachs.
Also, eating at regular intervals is also a way to help treat the problem. The tip is to divide the three biggest meals into six smaller ones and see if the symptoms subside. To see more post on Diet & Nutrition click here.
Do you have gastritis? Do you usually avoid these foods in your diet? Comment below!