A woman’s vagina is far from a sterile environment. On the contrary, the vaginal flora – or microbiota – is colonized by a set of microorganisms, starting with those responsible for its protection: the Doderlein bacilli.
These friendly bacteria protect the vagina against the intrusion of pathogenic bacteria. Doderlein’s bacilli feed on secretions from the vagina and convert them into lactic acid.
They allow the vagina to maintain an acidity rate between 3.5 and 4.5 pH. However, it happens that the pH of the vagina is unbalanced, especially during pregnancy due to hormonal fluctuations.
See: Role Of Clear Watery Discharge During Pregnancy
Vaginal infections
Vaginal infections can occur if you wash too much, use harsh soap, or douching. In this case, the Doderlein bacilli are eliminated and the pathogenic bacteria take the opportunity to settle.
It is better to use intimate hygiene products, known to be gentler on the intimate area, or even to be confined to washing with clean water. The vagina is said to be “self-cleaning”: there is no need to clean the inside, this happens naturally.
Another factor that can kill good bacteria is antibiotics. If you have taken oral antibiotics, these can also kill Doderlein’s bacilli and therefore lead to infection a few weeks later.
Finally, sexually transmitted diseases, such as gonococcus (Neisseria gonorrhoae), chlamydia or mycoplasma, can lead to vaginal infections. Before we look at what to do in the case of itchy vagina while pregnant and how to treat, let us look at the symptoms.
Read: Yellow Discharge Without Smell
Symptoms and treatment
The symptoms are easy to recognize. You will feel a burning sensation when you urinate, when you urinate, or you will see your vaginal discharge change color.
They can be brown, yellow or even black like rulers, and become smelly. If your discharge is milky, curd-like, and you have burns, the infection is probably caused by a microscopic fungus, a parasite of the human body, Candida albicans.
Usually Candida is present in the body, but following antibiotic treatment it can start to multiply and develop abnormally in the vagina. This fungus secretes aggressive and irritating substances for the mucous membranes, hence the inflammation. It spreads everywhere, in the folds and damp areas, mucous membranes in the first place. This is called candidiasis or mycosis.
How to treat itchy vagina while pregnant
The treatment can be purchased directly in a pharmacy and is carried out in two ways: you can soothe the burn on the vulva with a cream and insert an egg into the vagina which will act locally.
Some eggs may contain Lactobacillus rhamnosus. They will “reseed” the vagina with protective flora. Others make it possible to promote the “recolonization” of the vagina by restoring its acidity, by administering, among other things, lactic acid.
On the other hand, if the vaginal infection comes from an STI, it will be necessary to go, with your partner to the doctor. The latter will take a sample with a small swab and send it to the laboratory to find out the pathogen responsible for the infection.
Depending on the results, it will give you and your partnera targeted antibiotic treatment to destroy the germ in question. During this time, abstain from having sex, or protect yourself with condoms, so as not to recontaminate each other before being treated.
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Risk in case of itchy vagina while pregnant 
If you are pregnant and have symptoms of itchy in your vagina, tell your midwife or gynecologist. Vaginal infection is only dangerous for the fetus if the water sac is cracked or ruptured, which can lead to infection of the uterus. Fortunately, this case is very rare, and most of the time your baby is well protected in his sterile pouch. The doctor will give you an antibiotic treatment compatible with the pregnancy.
Cuminus oil and Vagina itching
If you found yourself in this mess, don’t feel bad anymore because I am here to help you. I know how embarrassing vagina itching, discharge and odour can be, it falls ones hand down as a sexy, classic and slay queen you are. So in this home remedy, we need the following:
- 20 mls of Cuminus oil
- 10 cloves of garlic
- Your pad (I prefer KEDI PAD OR LONGRICH PAD)
1. Get a clean empty bottle
2. Pour 20 mls of Cuminus oil inside the bottle
3. Slice 10 cloves of garlic or more(it depends on how long you are going to use it)and pour inside the Cuminus oil.
4. Leave for 48hrs (2 days) before you start using.
Read Also: All About NRI D3 Organic Tea Product
How to use cuminus oil
1. Place a sanitary pad on your pant (like you do during your monthly period), pour some of the solution on your pad and make sure you spread it on your pad well.
2. Then wear the pant and the pad overnight.
3. Do this every night until the itching and discharge stop. And I’ll advise that you get a new set of panties and get rid of the old ones to avoid it coming back.
Other benefits of Cuminus oil
Cuminus oil works wonders plus other benefit you will get from it, which includes:
- Treatment of constipation
- Boost immune system
- A powerful natural moisturizer for the body
- Promotes wound healing
- Reduces inflammation and relieves pains
- Fights fungus infections in the mouth, fight off candidiasis and keep the mouth healthy.
- A fertility natural oil to conceive
- Opens closed fallopian tube in women
- Stop hair breakage and increase hair growth
- Induce labour
- Reduce acne
- Relieve menstrual cramps
- Eliminate fine line and wrinkles
- Treat arthritis
- Clear cold
- Reduce gallbladder stone
- Whitlow remedy etc.
Above listed ailments NRI products provide solutions including other ailments not mentioned here tell me your health challenge and I will tell you the remedy.
How much cuminus oil is safe?
Your particular medical condition, your age, and your weight will determine the right amount of cuminus oil to take. Talk to your healthcare professional before taking cuminus oil as they can provide you with the right dosage.
How much and where to buy cuminus oil?
Cuminus cost 4,500 only. Here’s How to Order for Cuminus oil. Text the following information below to +2348136775761
- Your Full Name
- Your Active Phone Number
- Your Full Delivery Address [House or Office Address]
Send These Information As Text Message To 08136775761
E.G “Cuminus oil” Shola Mark, +2348136775761, No 21 Adeolu Street, Lagos Nort LGA, Ikorodu, Lagos.
By FOLLOWING the form above, you’re ordering the product. Also, before ordering, please check your schedules to know if you’re going to be available for pickup within 24 hours.
How long should i use the products?
You should start seeing result within 14 days (2 weeks). But you have to take them for a month for maximum result. But generally a month pack is enough and its what most people use.
How do you ship this product to me?
We ship nationwide and you can get the products anywhere you are within 24 hours of ordering.
Is the package discreet?
100% discreet, nobody not even the delivery agent knows what is inside the package. Be confident no one knows what is in the package.
What is the daily dosage of the products?
We send the dosage and other instructions to your phone number or email immediately the products are delivered to you.
Do You Have Any Questions? Call or Whatsapp Me on 08136775761
Go Ahead….Order Yours Now!!!
Is cuminus approved and legal to use?
Yes it is.
Aside from the fact that this is approved by NAFDAC , it has also been approved by various agencies around the world including the kosher and halal seal of approval which are the highest form of approval in the world that any product can have.
If you want to read more articles similar to itchy vagina while pregnant? what to do and how to treat vaginal infection with cuminus oil, we recommend you visit our Women’s Health category. Share on your social networks and stay tuned for upcoming articles.