The Benefits of Sleeping Without Wearing Underpants for Men and Women

The Benefits of Sleeping Without Wearing Underpants for Men and Women

Are you curious about what are the benefits of sleeping without wearing underwear?

Sleep is a need for every human being. With sleep, a tired body after a day of activities can be re-energized so that it can continue other activities properly the next day.

However, sometimes it’s hard to get quality sleep.

This is because a person may experience sleep disturbances which result in their resting time being less than optimal.

One way that can be done to get good and enough sleep is sleeping without underwear. It sounds quite strange, doesn’t it, Moms?

For that, let’s find out the benefits of sleeping without wearing underwear for men and women below.


The Benefits of Sleeping Without Wearing Underpants for Men and Women

The Benefits of Sleeping Without Wearing Underpants for Men and Women

Actually, sleeping in pajamas or not wearing underwear is an individual choice.

There is nothing wrong or completely right, but it is permissible to do it and it is not harmful to the body.

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“It’s perfectly safe to sleep without underwear and in some cases, probably better,” says Sherry A. Ross, MD, OB-GYN and women’s health expert in Santa Monica, California and author of She-ology: The Definitive Guide to Women’s Intimate Health, According to The Healthy.

Some of the people involved in a survey conducted by Mattress Advisor, showed that as many as 58 percent of a total of 1,000 participants said they preferred to sleep naked or without wearing underwear.

The main factor that is the reason for them is convenience.

Then, are there any benefits of sleeping without wearing underwear? Read more.

1. More Convenient

The Benefits of Sleeping Without Wearing Underpants for Men and Women

The first benefit of sleeping without wearing underwear is to create comfort.

In the survey previously described, the top three reasons given by the respondents were all related to convenience.

Several reasons were given, namely “it is more comfortable”, “feels relaxed”, and “I sleep better.”

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This reason is not without cause, this is because sleeping in underwear can be uncomfortable for some people because it causes blisters, feels like being pinched if it’s too tight, itching , or a feeling of being confined.

Many women also know very well the relief that comes from taking off their bra after a long day and the same goes for underwear when sleeping at night.

2. Reducing the Risk of Bacterial and Fungal Infections

The Benefits of Sleeping Without Wearing Underpants for Men and Women

Reducing the risk of bacterial and fungal infections is one of the benefits of sleeping without underwear, Moms.

This is because some bacteria and yeast thrive in moist or warm environments, such as those created by certain types of underwear.

Sleeping in undergarments that are too tight, thongs, or those made of synthetic fabrics such as lace or satin can trap moisture in the skin and encourage bacterial growth.

“This can put you at risk for urinary tract infections, bacterial vaginosis (for women), or yeast infections (both men and women), especially if you sleep sweaty,” explains Dr. Sherry A. Ross.

3. Good for Skin Health

The Benefits of Sleeping Without Wearing Underpants for Men and Women

Another benefit of sleeping without wearing underwear that Moms or Dads need to know is that it can maintain healthy skin.

“If you have a skin condition, such as hives or dry skin in the area, it is better for you to sleep without wearing underwear so that the skin in the genital area can breathe,” says Dr. Sherry A. Ross.

However, if you as a woman prefer to wear underwear while sleeping, be sure to choose underwear with materials that are comfortable and healthy for your vagina.

4. Maintains Sperm Quality in Men

The Benefits of Sleeping Without Wearing Underpants for Men and Women

Some men cite the health of their sperm as a reason not to wear underwear before bed.

This is because they have heard that tight underwear can increase the temperature of the testicles thereby causing a decrease in sperm quality and fertility.

While there is scientific support for the idea that overheating the groin area can damage sperm, there are no studies with strong evidence showing that sleeping in underwear causes this kind of heat.

However, for Dads who are comfortable sleeping without wearing underwear, it can still be done because there are no side effects.

So, do whatever feels comfortable so you can sleep better.

5. Prevent Bacterial or Fungal Vaginal Infections

The Benefits of Sleeping Without Wearing Underpants for Men and Women
Photo: Sleeping Without Underpants (

As previously explained, another benefit of sleeping without wearing underwear that you can get as a woman is being able to prevent vaginal bacterial and fungal infections .

Tight or sweaty underwear can increase your risk of vaginal yeast infections because yeast likes to grow in warm, moist places.

Regardless of what you wear during the day, sleeping naked is an easy way to get air out of your vagina and keep it healthy.

So, sleeping without wearing underwear can be a solution to prevent bacterial and fungal infections from occurring in your reproductive organs.

Those are the benefits of sleeping without underwear that Moms or Dads can get, are you interested in trying it?

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