Well, if you clicked on to read the article, maybe it’s already a sign that motherhood is not such a distant dream.
But what else might indicate that you’re ready to be a mother?
We know that sometimes pregnancy can come unexpectedly, be a short-term plan or even have not crossed your mind to be a mother, at least now.
But the desire to have a baby can manifest itself unconsciously, through small signs that you give and maybe you don’t even notice. Have you ever thought about it?
Are you ready to be a mother?
We’ve prepared a list of 10 of these fun signs that may indicate it’s time to start thinking about expanding the family!
You spy websites with maternity tips and baby layette
This is the sign that we already denounced at the beginning of the article.
Was it really an accidental click or do you really want to delve into maternity issues?
You read about pregnancy, fall in love with the cutest clothes in the universe and can’t wait to start thinking about decorating the baby’s room. Green light for motherhood!
When a friend says she is pregnant, you realize how much you wish you were too
We know that you are also very happy for her, but do you know that little urge that comes when you hear the news of a pregnancy?
You even joke that you could get pregnant together, so the little ones grow up together! It’s what we call a good envy!
You love talking to your friends who have children and ask a thousand questions
This is a classic! You love to visit and hang out with your friends who have children, you help take care of the little ones and you love to know what a mother’s routine is like.
You want to know how the pregnancy was, if it was easy to get pregnant, how the birth was, how to take care of the baby, if he sleeps all night, if it is difficult to breastfeed, etc.
Your baby already has a name (boy and girl lol)
Okay, this is normal! You may even have already researched the trending names on the internet. And, who knows, you even avoid telling other people, afraid that they will “steal” your idea, right?
You’re not THAT scared when your period doesn’t come
And you’ve even taken some pharmacy pregnancy tests, without so much fear of the result. This is a positive sign that pregnancy wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world and that maybe you’re ready to be a mother.
Have you decided how to break the news to the father
When you feel that you would like to have a child, the idealization changes about how to tell the father about the pregnancy.
And you’ve already staged the whole scene in your head a million times! And every time he sees an inspiration on the internet, he changes plans again!
You have memorized your entire ovulation cycle
Whether through an app or another method of control, if you’ve been looking more fondly at the fertile days, it’s a strong sign that pregnancy is a very close dream.
You’ve been buying several pharmacy tests
Even a little delay in menstruation is already a reason to run to the pharmacy to buy a pregnancy test. Was it negative? Let’s try one more to prove it! Not to mention all the research on the internet before: is the pharmacy test really effective?
You may also be interested in:
How To Have Sex To Get Pregnant
The Fertility Diet to Get Pregnant
12 Powerful Ways You Can Do To Get Pregnant Quickly
Benefits Of Drinking Clove Water For Fertility, Ovulation, Twinning & Menstruation
Pregnant women and babies everywhere?
Everywhere you look, there’s a baby or a pregnant woman, right? In fact, since you are already starting to prepare to become a mother, your attention is more focused on them.
You are happy to see that you managed to spend a sleepless night
Even before being a mother, you already know that sleep hours will be scarce!
And when you notice that you are managing to spend sleepless nights, you feel that, in a way, you are prepared to face the marathon of taking care of a baby.
But we already said: the difficult thing is to keep the pace!