Childbirth is without context the high point of pregnancy, with the birth of the long-awaited child for nine months. To see more post on Wonen’s Health click here.
But it is also a source of a thousand and one questions for future parents: Which maternity unit to choose? When to go? Should we fear forceps?
Nutrition For Pregnant Women
Pregnancy is a special phase in the life of women, during which they must take care of their health, their lifestyle and their diet to protect themselves and their future child (ren). Read more..
Hormonal Assessment Of Female Infertility
A medical consultation for infertility is usually considered after one to two years of attempting pregnancy with regular intercourse.
Nearly one in seven couples consult for a fertility problem, one in ten is undergoing fertilization treatment.
Trophoblast Biopsy
A trophoblast biopsy, also called a chorionic villus puncture, is an invasive prenatal procedure.
This technique is the one that allows genetic and chromosomal explorations of the fetus as early as possible during pregnancy.
Cesarean section is a surgical procedure that removes the fetus, making an incision in the mother’s abdominal wall and uterus.
Depending on the circumstances, this delivery method can be programmed in advance.
Denial Of Pregnancy
Denial of pregnancy is still an often taboo pathology in France today, although it concerns nearly one in 500 pregnancies.
It is defined as being pregnant for at least three months, without being aware of it. ‘to be. Some women notice their pregnancy.
Inconveniences During Pregnancy
Although a pregnancy is, of course, a source of joy and happiness, we must be aware of the few inconveniences that it also brings: nausea, vomiting, gastroesophageal reflux (or GERD), weight gain.
Abdominal Diastasis
An abdominal diastasis corresponds to the appearance of an abnormal gap between the abdominal muscles, the consequence of too much stretching.
Although more often encountered in pregnant women and premature babies, this disorder can be observed at all ages.
Pain During Pregnancy
Pregnancy pains must be relieved quickly and as effectively as possible, but you must also know how to recognize the simple pains of abnormalities that require consultation as soon as possible. If you have any doubts, talk to the healthcare team following you.
Miscarriage also known as spontaneous abortion affects many women around the world. The termination of pregnancy occurs in the first 5 months and is manifested by pain and vaginal bleeding.
Pregnancy Formalities
Some formalities must be completed and not forgotten, on the one hand to declare the pregnancy, then at birth, to declare the child who has just been born. Some explanations to know everything about these mandatory declarations.
Ectopic Pregnancy
An ectopic, or ectopic, pregnancy is a pregnancy that develops outside the uterine cavity.
This type of anomaly occurs for about 2% of pregnancies, and its incidence has been increasing for ten years.
Healthy Lifestyle For Pregnant Women
Pregnancy is a special phase in the life of women, during which they must take care of their health, their lifestyle and their diet to protect themselves and their future child (ren).
Pregnancy and Rhesus Maternal-Fetal Incompatibility
The fact for a pregnant woman to belong to the Rhesus negative factor (RH-) and to bear a Rhesus positive (RH +) fetus can have dramatic consequences for the latter.
Fortunately, the management is well codified to avoid the accidents related to this incompatibility of mother-fetus Rhesus also called fetal-maternal blood alloimmunization.
IVG (Voluntary Termination of Pregnancy)
Voluntary Pregnancy Interruption (IVG) is a remedy for a pregnant woman who does not wish to continue her pregnancy. In France, abortion is a right for all women.
Two categories of abortions are performed, medical abortions and surgical abortions, depending on the situation of each woman.
Preeclampsia is a disease of pregnancy that results in high blood pressure and proteinuria. Without appropriate treatment, it can be fatal.
We talk about prematurity for any baby born before 37 weeks of amenorrhea, or 8 and a half months of pregnancy. Each year, several thousand newborns are in this case.
Pregnancy Blood Tests
Pregnancy is a very special physiological state during which a new human being develops in the womb of the pregnant woman.
In France, pregnancy is subject to specific and well-codified medical monitoring.
Medically Assisted Reproduction (PMA)
Medically assisted procreation (MAP) which is based on the manipulation of an egg and / or a sperm in order to obtain fertilization, makes it possible to overcome certain situations where conception is difficult, without however treating the origin of the ‘infertility.
Rehabilitation Of The Perineum After Childbirth
The perineum is a set of muscles, which are essential for maintaining the correct position of the organs within the abdominal cavity.
In women, pregnancy and childbirth place great demands on the perineum, which requires specific care after childbirth, perineum rehabilitation or perineal rehabilitation, etc.
Emergency Signs Of Pregnancy
Most pregnancies go on without any particular problem until childbirth. Nevertheless, it is important that pregnant women know a number of emergency signs for which they must consult quickly.
Spina Bifida
Spina bifida is a neural tube closure abnormality that occurs very early in pregnancy. The consequences can be very heavy for the unborn child, with orthopedic, urological, intestinal, skin disorders.
Medical Follow-up Of Pregnant Women
Pregnancy involves special medical monitoring, punctuated by a number of compulsory or recommended medical examinations and ultrasounds.
This follow-up can be provided, during the first months, by an attending physician, a gynecologist or a midwife, depending on the existence of risky situations.
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)
Before any conception project and at the start of pregnancy, the issue of alcohol consumption is rarely raised with women.
There is still a strong ignorance in society of the sometimes serious consequences of alcohol on the fetus. Many women are unaware that alcohol is toxic for their child.
Guthrie Test
The Guthrie test appeared in 1963. It is a screening placed under the supervision of the Ministry of Health as well as the National Health Insurance Fund for Salaried Workers.
Tocophobia refers to the fear of panic, in other words the phobia, of childbirth and more generally of pregnancy. For some women, it can also be accompanied by an aversion or loathing of the pregnancy. Tocophobia is a fairly common psychological condition.
The tri-test corresponds to the main medical examination used in the context of individual screening for trisomy 21.
Systematically offered to all pregnant women at the end of the first trimester of pregnancy, it is based on blood tests and the results. of the first obstetric ultrasound.