5 Safe Ways To Get Rid Of Beef Curtains Without Surgery

5 Safe Ways To Get Rid Of Beef Curtains Without Surgery – Explained

One of the questions that we often get asked is: Can you get rid of beef curtain without surgery? Is it possible? How do you get rid of a long vulva without surgery?

If you’re asking these questions, then you’re on the right page.

In this article, we take a deep look at the five safe ways to get rid of beef curtains without surgery. We’ll also answer some of the most frequently asked questions: Do men like small vaginal labia that stick out? Do women really have to care about the size of their vaginal lips? Etc..


What are beef curtains?

5 Safe Ways To Get Rid Of Beef Curtains Without Surgery

Beef curtains, also called vulva, labia minora are an important structure in the anatomy of the female external genitalia.

There are as many different shapes, sizes or looks and smells as there are different women. The “standard” model does not exist.

Beef curtains are special: they are covered with a skin called mucous membrane, even if they are not internal in a humid environment such as the vagina or the mouth.

They are also not covered with a skin like found elsewhere on the body because they produce a natural lubricant which can be abundant and the hairs do not grow there.

Another peculiarity is that they are provided with multiple nerve endings making them very sensitive to touch or caress. They can also be a very erogenous zone in many women.

In most cases, beef curtains do not require treatment.

Reasons why some women have beef curtains?

There are a host of reasons some women have beef curtains, including childbirth, aging, sexual activity and genetics.

In addition, Beef curtains can be caused by various health conditions. The outer lips (labia majora) become swollen or enlarged on one side by additional tissue growth, leading to an asymmetrical appearance.
This condition is known as Childhood asymmetry labium majus enlargement (CALME).

When the size of a small vagina lip or both reach such a dimension that they are or remain sensitive during physical activities such as walking, or sitting down such as biking or horse riding, or when they are long enough to overflow of an underwear or a swimsuit at the edge of the panties, we are indeed talking about a symptomatic hypertrophy of the labia minor.

Before puberty, they are poorly developed, almost invisible. But at puberty, they develop in a very variable way, from one woman to another, and even from one side to the other.

Some women will also notice that it grows after pregnancy, while others see changes in their vulva with age.

Beef curtains may sometimes be a result of injury. In addition, Beef curtains can also appear as a result of sexual abuse or having some other sort of injury in the vagina lips.

Hypertrophy of the vulva has no precise definition. Since most women have a different shape and size to their labia minora, it is normal for them to be different, and the larger one is not necessarily abnormal or said to be “hypertrophic”.

However, most women choose to have surgery for several reasons. First, there are various functional benefits when deciding for a labiaplasty.

According to study, females who suffer from beef curtains experience difficulty with exercise, hygiene, urinary tract infections, sexual activity and other physical activity.

Safe ways to get rid of beef curtains without surgery

Safe Ways To Get Rid Of Beef Curtains Without Surgery

However, if beef curtains causes psychological, physical or mental discomfort, it will require a surgical treatment. But, when it does not cause a discomfort, it will not require a surgical treatment.

It is essential to take good care of the scar area for the first few days. This is why it is recommended to take a shower once or twice a day and wear a panty liner for the first two weeks. The scars are almost imperceptible and quickly flexible.

The incision is sewn up with absorbable suture which must not be removed afterwards. Healing is relatively rapid.

At first, the wound may be painful and swollen and have a smelling discharge. Sitting and urination (urinating) are somewhat painful the first week, as is intercourse.

Some women may be embarrassed that their lower lips (or labia minora) are proportionately too large.

If this phenomenon is annoying, or they consider it to be an aesthetic problem, a labiaplasty can be performed.

During this procedure, which usually takes place under local anesthesia, the surgeon removes the excess tissue. The operation lasts about an hour.

5 Safe Ways To Get Rid Of Beef Curtains Without Surgery

However, in some women, beef curtains can be a cause or reason for concern due to the impression that genital area is the root of pride for women and the implication in their relationships

That being said, let’s take a look at the five safe ways to get rid of beef curtains without surgery:


The Viora is a device that uses radio frequency to firm and reduce the size of the labia minora and labia majora.


  • Painless
  • No recovery
  • Without surgery
  • Without tissue resection

ThermiVa treatment 

ThermiVa is a non-surgical method for labia and vaginal tightening and rejuvenation. ThermiVa is a form of energy medicine that uses heat therapy delivered via radio frequency (RF) waves to promote collagen synthesis, shrinkage and tightening of female tissues.

This procedure also improves sexual function and vigor. It improves the skin sensitivity which in turn help in better sexual satisfaction.

Moreover, enhancing the aesthetic value of the vagina, it also shrink or tighten the vagina such that sexual acts are pleasurable for both partners.

ThermiVa allows women get rid Beef curtains without undergoing a surgery.

This non-surgical, energy based medical treatment administered by a ThermiAesthetics.

Eating a healthy diet

Consuming diets that is high in fibre can help maintain a healthy body weight and also decreases the chances of frequent constipation that can result in weakening of pelvic muscles which leads to vaginal fat addition like in fat upper pubic area.

Simple diet that contains oestrogen rich foods such as: Avocados, Eggs, oily fish, soybeans, bananas, apples etc. Can help strengthen pelvic floor.

As a matter of fact, eating a healthy diet is also one of the steps that will help improve inner muscle strength and also contribute to better vaginal health.


Kegels also known as Pelvic floor exercises are one of the suggested exercises for tightening and beef curtains related issues.

If you perform Kegel exercises correctly and regularly, they will make your pelvic floor muscles stronger, tighten your vagina and get rid of your beef curtain.

During intercourse, the sensation of tightness is mostly specified by the pelvic floor muscles around the genitalia.

The kegels is composed of clench and release movements. The action of engaging the pelvic floor muscles, holding for 5–10 seconds, and releasing. The Pelvic floor exercises is performed a few times daily, about 5–10 times in a row. As a result of this, pelvic floor muscles become stronger. Check out: 3 Safe Ways to Tighten Your Vagina Explained

Stop putting on tight underwears

how to get rid of beef curtains without surgery
White Panties Close Up

Wearing loose-fitting cotton underwear or pant may help prevent unnecessary friction and distress around the in the vagina area.

In fact, people with beef curtains may notice that their discomfort goes away if they stop wearing tight underwears.

Natural fabrics such as cotton, denim, wool, and silk, may also help increase airflow around the vagina area. Doctors may also be able to provide women with topical ointments to reduce discomfort.


Since most women have a different shape and size to their labia minora, it is normal for them to be different, and the larger one is not necessarily abnormal.

Infact, you should be confident about yourself, as long as you are healthy and maintaining good intimate hygiene.

However, you can try out the remedies above, if your are looking for safe ways to get rid of beef curtains without surgery.


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Readers Question

Do men like small vaginal labia that stick out?

Safe Ways To Get Rid Of Beef Curtains Without Surgery

Women’s vulvae are all different, however, 8 out of 10 women have small vaginal labia that are large enough and protrude beyond the labia majora.

It happens that some women are complexed by the shape of their labia minora because of the image that pornography gives to the female sex.

Men may prefer smaller lips if they too are used to porn movies where nothing sticks out. However, few men really pay attention to this detail and it is very rare for a man to push a woman away because of her beef curtain.

The most important thing is that the size of the lips is not bothersome during penetration and especially on a daily basis for women.

Do women really have to care about the size of their vaginal lips?

If a woman is really complexed and embarrassed by the size of her Beef Curtains, with Kegels, eating a healthy diet, stop putting on tight underwears, ThermiVa treatment, and Viora may help to reduce them.

However, it is very important that the woman has recourse to surgical reduction only for her, because it disturbs her daily in her privacy, in her movements and in her activities, and not because a man has asked her to do so.

What is labiaplasty

Labiaplasty is a plastic surgery procedure that involves modifying the labia minora (inner lips), and/or the labia majora (outer lips).

What is the purpose of a labiaplasty?

The labiaplasty is surgery process usually conducted to reduce the size of the labia minora – the flaps of skin either side of the vaginal lips. It should not be done on girls younger than 18 because the genitalia continues to grow up beyond puberty into early adulthood.

5 Safe Ways To Get Rid Of Beef Curtains Without Surgery

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